Host Gator positive review #10704 by Steven Cronson (info@b...)

Host Gator got a positive review on
Host Gator
5005 Mitchelldale Suite #100
Houston , TX 77092
☎ Phone (866) 964-2867
Customer review #10704
Steven Cronson ( info@b... )
Time Hosted 6 mo. to 1 year
Global rating
Price / Cost
Customer Relation
Control Panel
I have been developing for years an advanced cart and needed to see the site working most of the time to get it done. I found a military grade host near Washington DC AIT however my level of knowledge they were not the best fit but for a Reseller with experience it must be great. Tried also HostRocket that grew and grew. They were nice and claimed great learning areas on their site. The site got hacked or a worm on it one time which they did correct it after realizing it and a few times bringing it up. I stayed with them for about 3 years! But I felt their individual servers plans if and when needed were too pricey for me so I had to look elsewhere. I was going to go with a good company who did allow a private IP address for a shared hosting account somehow. It was Bluehost. But a developer company I told I was considering them and they even used it too recommended HostGator! So I did take that advice and now have been with HostGator for about 9 months and so far and satisfied. Only about 3-4 problems in the setup, change of the main domain name and a few more and everyone they could deal with and correct when they realized it was in their hands not mine they did it pronto and did not complain about it at all. So though not perfect cant get much better than HostGator. Only had about 2 down-times over 9 months of about 1-3 hrs and they did tell their customers of any upgrades or rebooting issues in advance. And every time I chatted with them is was Superior their responses and timeliness! If the chatter could not handle a question they admitted it and got someone who could answer it with in a few seconds up to a few minutes when very very busy. They have their servers located at The Planet which is a "Fortune 100" grade top server location and makes it affordable for customers to be located there! Some of my programming companies used The Planet and that is why I know it is premier location that HostGator chose to work with. And they save you money to be there but with their support teams.

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