Green Geeks negative review #12828 by Chad C (gyrohell@h...) on 2010

Green Geeks got a negative review on and one official response on
Green Geeks
3411 Silverside Rd. Tatnall Building #104
Wilmington , DE 19810
☎ Phone 1-877-326-7483
Customer review #12828
Chad C ( gyrohell@h... )
Time Hosted 6 mo. to 1 year
Global rating
Price / Cost
Customer Relation
Control Panel
I have been hosted at GreenGeeks for almost a year during my time there I have experienced consistent DNS errors causing problematic downtimes exceeding the advertised 99.9% up time guarantee. These errors happen almost daily, and at least 2-3 times a day, lasting from a few minutes up to 10 minutes.

Current Server Status as of this writing*:
Server Load 7.62 (8 cpus) (!)
Disk /dev/sda5 (/) 81 % <CAUTION>

*These stats fluctuate, and can be higher or lower than the above. These are just a small snapshot of server at the time this review was written.

I also have experienced extremely heavy server loads, unexplained 505 errors that mysteriously fix themselves, MYSQL data corruption, among a slew of other problems. In fact at times even the CPanel has been inaccessible due to server timeouts. These over loads and errors are commonly blamed on abusive user practices. But that is no excuse in my opinion.. I paid for a service (IN ADVANCE) and I expect to get what I paid for... not handed excuses that a Host cannot control their clients actions then subsequently advised to upgrade to a higher level of service to get what I already paid for. (Bait and Switch?)

I had high hopes for this company. But in the end, there are even cheaper alternatives with MUCH more stable hosting. I plan on switching to a different host as soon as my time is up with GreenGeeks.

In the end I feel GreenGeeks has outgrown their technology and now have more users than power and are over-selling their service, and do not monitor the activity occurring on servers.

If you have a business or site that needs to be online, this host is not a good choice.

(During the process of this review my website went offline two times and cpanel was unavailable during these times.

Cpanel Error: The connection has timed out

Website Error:
-The computers that run are having some trouble. Usually this is just a temporary problem, so you might want to try again in a few minutes. is an alias for
Nameserver trace for
* Looking for who is responsible for root zone and followed
* Looking for who is responsible for info and followed
* Looking for who is responsible for and followed

Nameservers for
* returned (SERVFAIL)
* returned (SERVFAIL)
This is Trey Gardner CEO of GreenGeeks

Green Geeks has 3 Chad's with the last name C. We do not have on file a client with the email [email protected] which does not necessarily mean that we dont have a Chad C with that as an alternate email however we do get some fake complaints here so it is just something that caught my attention.

I have had my server administrators check out the servers of all the Chad's we have and have asked our technical representatives to look for any and all communication from these customers especially around the time when this review was posted.

Their final report of the server and these claims don't jive however I dont discount that there may have been at one time or another for this customer a slowness on our servers for a short period due to an abusive user and the person who was the abusive user may not have known that they were abusing the system until we shut them down.

Our server admins work 24x7x365 monitoring all of our servers to make sure they run as efficiently as possible. Part of their job is to identify abusive users and either work with them to make sure that their web site is working properly (sometimes a client can perform a manual installation or upgrade with a flaw in it and never know that that flaw would cause an issue until it starts to). Other times we may have someone who intended to abuse the system and though they seemed like a legit client and made it through our fraud screening process. Unfortunately these things happen to all the internet and hosting companies I have worked at in my 12+ years.

More about this complaint, there should not be DNS issues unless the client or registrar is somehow changing where the DNS for a domain name is pointed.

I think it is notable that we do not have many complaints like this about our servers and that if we did have this happening as frequently as this person describes that we would have far more complaints showing up about this.

I believe I run a very good hosting company and you for some reason think otherwise I would invite you to share your thoughts with me so that I can make sure you are receiving the proper support you need. I can be reached at [email protected].


Marketing representative ([email protected], ).

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John Atkins ( johnnatkins@g... ) review |