Blue Host negative review #14721 by Michael Wells (leewells2000@g...)

Blue Host got a negative review on
Blue Host
10 Corporate Drive, Suite #300
Burlington , MA 01803
☎ Phone 888-401-4678
Customer review #14721
Michael Wells ( leewells2000@g... )
Time Hosted 1 to 2 years
Global rating
Price / Cost
Customer Relation
Control Panel
Let me tell you about my experience with Bluehost; first of all, let me explain my "wants". I guess I'm like any one else, I want to upload mywebsites, get everything up and running and not have to worry about it until I have to pay the bill again. Simple, not to much to ask for right?

On Bluehost, my first 8 months was hassle free, a webmasters web dream. However after you have to pre-pay them for a year that 8th month was the difference between night and day. It started with random downtime, DNS errors, DNS entry deletions, server outages, (all within a month's time), and then an "upgrade" to the server (which was welcomed). Month 10, the downtime stopped but this month revealed why - As nearing the end of Month 10, my site becomes "temporarily unavailable". Ok so I call and they say I have too many tables (more than 1,000 tables in 23 databases). So I go through and delete the old tables I don't need any more. Two days later, shut down again. I call and this time the "new limit" is 800 tables.

You now get the idea, once they had my account pinned down to the point I couldn't even run WordPress I called them on their advertising saying that they state you can run multiple websites and they support wordpress. They then turned the site back on, and three days later, its off again, "File Count Limit". And the dance starts again.

After I finally stripped all my sites off their server but ONE, (my firm's website), a month later (today and you can verify, guess what? BANNED, "TOS VIOLATION - PHISHING". For the record, I was allowed to download my files through FTP while it was banned. And I have checked all the files, there are nothing that even looks like another website (besides our firm's website lol) but I guess this is their scheme - they take your money and then start grasping for straws in the TOS to find any reason to shut you down and keep your money.

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