Dream Host negative review #15670 by Dave (05temp@b...) on Mar 2011

Dream Host got a negative review on
Dream Host
DreamHost PMB #257 417 Associated Road
Brea , CA 92821
☎ Phone 714-706-4182
📠 Fax 714-671-9098
Customer review #15670
Dave ( 05temp@b... )
Time Hosted over 3 years
Global rating
Price / Cost
Customer Relation
Control Panel
The email system at thinkhost is nothing short of a disaster. They claim 99% uptime, but that doesn't acutally mean you will get your emails today. Every month or so, they have a massive delay, and every once in a while, I just can't get email even though I make no changes to Outlook.

Whether you check email with outlook or their web-based system, you are screwed.

They once had a nice, simple, web-based email system but the new one is awful. It occasionally crashes my laptop and it is virtually unusable with Explorer. I have to use Firefox and pray.

Their email-forwarding front end sucks, too. When you add an email forwarding address, it isn't immediate. It takes about 24 hours to kick in.

When I have email trouble, their customer service dept actually asks me for my email password so they can log into my email and duplicate the error !!!! Crazy. Crazy stupid.

Every once in a while, some email servers will reject mail from them.

Windows often warns me of certificate problems when I log into the online control panel. I can't wait for my two years to expire so I can get away. [import from thinkhost.com]

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