Green Geeks review #16355 by Jenny Hendricks (jennyhen85@h...)

Green Geeks got a positive review on
Green Geeks
3411 Silverside Rd. Tatnall Building #104
Wilmington , DE 19810
☎ Phone 1-877-326-7483
Customer review #16355
Jenny Hendricks ( jennyhen85@h... )
Time Hosted over 3 years
Global rating
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Control Panel
The best host I've been with!

I've had my share of hosting providers in the past from good to absolutely horrible. I decided to use GreenGeeks when a friend of mine, who is also a customer suggested that I switch over to GreenGeeks. So, after my term was up with another hosting provider who was already good, I didn't think that GreenGeeks could blow me away any more than my existing host. I was wrong!

I've been with GreenGeeks for over a year now, and recently my WordPress blog was hacked. I didn't know what to do and as stupid as I was, I didn't have any recent backups, so it was a total disaster for me. I gave it a shot and contacted GreenGeeks for some assistance. One of their techs was able to revert back to an older copy of my site and bring it back up for me! That right there made me realize how awesome GreenGeeks really was!

I've lost some sites before, and I wasn't able to recover anything with my previous hosts. It's good to know that GreenGeeks actually does provide nightly back up service and that it can be used to save some of our asses!

Thanks GreenGeeks.

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