Go Daddy negative review #17013 by Eric (svsarana@y...) on Jun 2011

Go Daddy got a negative review on
Go Daddy
14455 N. Hayden Road, Suite 226
Scottsdale , AZ 85260
☎ Phone 480-463-8389
Customer review #17013
Eric ( svsarana@y... )
Time Hosted 6 mo. to 1 year
Global rating
Price / Cost
Customer Relation
Control Panel
godaddy.com full of bad surprises

I spent about 5 days dealing with an issue related to the Server API abruptly stopping my PHP scripts. They had no clue and blamed it on my code (which runs fine on other servers). After a lot of arguing they finally admitted that they automatically kill scripts that run for an undisclosed amount of time on their shared servers to save resources. It seems most of their tech people are unaware of that or are not openly disclosing that policy.

They also have very old libraries which they refuse to update or even provide an update schedule. For example their cURL library is 7.15.5 which dates back to Aug 2006! And it won't work for me. They refuse to upgrade it.

I have easily wasted 2 weeks of programming trying to find ways to make things work on their servers. And probably another week just dealing with their poorly informed tech support people.

I personally think their shared servers are overloaded. When they have a serious technical problem they refuse to discuss the status. They just tell you "that's a known issue we are working on" for days.

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Dennis Spanogle ( dspanogle@a... ) review |