Green Geeks negative review #19670 by Justin I on Apr 2012

Green Geeks got a negative review on and one official response on
Green Geeks
3411 Silverside Rd. Tatnall Building #104
Wilmington , DE 19810
☎ Phone 1-877-326-7483
Customer review #19670
Justin I ( -no email- )
Time Hosted 6 mo. to 1 year
Global rating
Customer Relation
100% Green - 0% Satisfaction

I just had to cancel my account after a few too many reliability and performance issues. My request was that the prorated amount of my remaining service be refunded back to me and that we both part ways satisfied. Josh Dargie fielded my issue and maintained a 100% robotic standpoint, spouting text from their FAQ and terms as opposed to handling my situation on a case-by-case. He also put the entire blame of my issue on me, attributing it to being a target for hacker attacks. I admit that this did happen, once. But well after other performance related tickets were submitted and I did quickly remedy the issue once notified as it was a security issue with WordPress.

GreenGeeks is one of those companies where they will patch the problem for you and move on, but when you are completely dissatisfied, they fall back on their policy text to "divest" themselves of you. There are so many other cost effective options out there to choose from.

99.9% uptime is a fabrication by GreenGeeks. TERRIBLE performance and reliability. Though quite Green I hear.
I'm sorry that you've had issues with our service in the past.

This review is over 3 years old, since then we have made numerous adjustments to our server performance and reliability such as introducing SSD RAID-10 arrays, enhanced WordPress security that help users isolate attacks and prevent them.

Customer is more than welcome to get in touch with us so that we can show them how we've changed for the better.

Marketing representative ([email protected], ).

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