Go Daddy review #2284 by Vicki Bohan (vlbmailbox12-info@y...) on 2008

Go Daddy got a negative review on
Go Daddy
14455 N. Hayden Road, Suite 226
Scottsdale , AZ 85260
☎ Phone 480-463-8389
Customer review #2284
Vicki Bohan ( vlbmailbox12-info@y... )
Time Hosted 1 to 2 years
Global rating
Price / Cost
Customer Relation
Control Panel
I have used godaddy for over one year now. I find that godaddy is not user friendly and has very SLOW performance. In fact, many times it never responds no matter how long I wait. The features are very primitive for a website builder.

I have used other website builders, such as yahoo's sitebuilder, and find them to be much more robust and with many more features. And I don't have the performance problems that I experience with godaddy.

I have called into godaddy's tech support hotline several times, and find that the customer service reps have a very limited knowledge of the system. I know more than they do.

I DO NOT RECOMMEND godaddy, especially to novice user unless they have a very simple website.

I am a software engineer with over 30 years experience. My specialty is GUI - the user interface. I find godaddy to be unusable and would not continue using it except that it is cheap, this website is for a member of my family, and I don't have time right now to build this website on another more usable website builder.

I agree with an earlier reviewer -- godaddy sucks.

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