Easy CGI negative review #2347 by Robert Lindauer (Rlindauer@L...)

Easy CGI got a negative review on
Easy CGI
10 Corporate Drive, Suite #300
Burlington , MA 01803
☎ Phone 866-327-9244

easycgi.com is inactive webhosting company!
Customer review #2347
Robert Lindauer ( Rlindauer@L... )
Time Hosted 1 to 2 years
Global rating
Price / Cost
Customer Relation
Control Panel
I am a consultant who works with several clients, and hosts.

EasyCGI offered relatively inexpensive hosting, so I set up several clients with them. At first they were decent, but as time went on, they began having a number of problems. The problems they had weren't horrible (downtime, failing web usage reports, failing web e-mail, etc.. ), but it was very difficult to get them resolved. I understand that mistakes happen, and I could have lived with them if they had been fixed on a timely basis, and didn't keep recurring. Unfortunately, they were almost never resolved on the first call, and sometimes kept occurring even after they assured me that they had fixed the problem.

The main reason not to host with them, however, is that once you have signed up with them, they make it extremely difficult to transfer your domain name away from them, and to close your account.

The final straw occurred recently -
I still have one client that I host with them. It looked like I was being double billed for them but on further investigation, I found out that they have been billing me for an account I closed two years ago, and they are refusing to refund my money. I had notified them several times (by e-mail and phone) in Feb 2007 to transfer the domain name, and close the account. Despite confirming that they were going to close the account via phone, customer service still billed me for this account.

I can recommend WebHosting.net or 1and1.com

In my experience, they are both less expensive, have fewer problems, and have superior customer support (by a LOT!!!). As an extra bonus, they have never made it difficult to transfer a domain name, or billed me for services I canceled - and then refused to return my money - like EasyCGi did.

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