Nov, 2018 : New Management Platform For The SSD Cloud Servers logo📅 - It has been more than 3 years since we started offering SSD cloud servers. During that time Scala Hosting has provisioned hundreds of cloud servers in both our datacenters in the US and Europe. We have allocated multiple TB’s of memory and SSD SAN disk space to all of the servers. In the beginning, we have started with 1Gbps storage network which we upgraded about a year and a half ago to 10Gbps. That increased the speed of our cloud servers drastically. The cloud hosting services are getting more and more popular. The cloud hosting industry is growing all the time and people are migrating from their traditional dedicated servers to cloud servers to get all the benefits of cloud hosting. They save money, have better reliability and are easy to manage and deploy. Cloud hosting is the future of hosting and in the next couple of years, almost everyone who has a website will be hosting it on a cloud server. To be able to meet the requirements of our customers and our own requirements to provide the best cloud hosting services we have to make changes in our infrastructure and management. The software we were using for managing the cloud farm has reached a level not to be able to perform what we need it to do. That’s why we decided to invest thousands of man-hours and development in order to configure, implement and deploy a new management platform for our SSD cloud servers. Reads: 1296 | Category: General | Source: WHTop :
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Company: Scala Hosting

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