Go Daddy negative review #5963 by Jenna (crazy4conures@g...) on 2009

Go Daddy got a negative review on
Go Daddy
14455 N. Hayden Road, Suite 226
Scottsdale , AZ 85260
☎ Phone 480-463-8389
Customer review #5963
Jenna ( crazy4conures@g... )
Time Hosted over 3 years
Global rating
Price / Cost
Customer Relation
Control Panel
"Go" Daddy is more like *Slow* Daddy!

I can't stand working on client's sites who buy into all the hype surrounding this dreadful, slow as snails host. The only good thing about SlowDaddy is they
they're particularly gifted at marketing their crap services.

First thing: The interface has been so dumbed down for non-technical end-users who think they're "tech-minded" because they can connect Slowdaddy's
"ABC" dots, it's a REAL tech's worst hosting nightmare to wade through.

FTP takes forever, and then when you think you're almost good to go, it times out and you're stuck doing it all again. Irritating! When you've FINALLY
uploaded everything onto slowdaddy via FTP and try to change file names and permissions, etc, slowdaddy reports back with a "you do not have permission to
do that" error message. So, after you've had about as much as you can take of that, you go to slowdaddy's elementary filemanager to make your changes there -
only to have it time out, too, or just sit there, stuck in slowdaddy oblivion, saving, saving, saving changes, then informing you that it cannot be done at this
time and to check back later. When slowdaddy does actually WORK, and you're successfully working in the control panel, it logs you out and asks you to
log back in. Annoying!!!!

I usually have incredible patience for most things, but slowdaddy, on a regular basis, has me wanting to rip my hair out! There is no reason why something
simple should be such a major inconvenience. Sure, they have great customer service who try to upsell the sun and the moon when you call, but to require
"technical support" from people whose service is built for people who are NOT web and tech savvy, is insulting.

Grrrrrr, I loath finding out that a new client hosts with slowdaddy. Just because of a frustration-filled weekend, I've decided to change my terms of service:
Clients using slowdaddy hosting will be charged $10.00 more per hour. That's it!

The *only* positive thing I have to say about this host, is that they seem to have good uptime.

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