Green Geeks positive review #6711 by Mr.Hales (ia.nyarlathotep@g...)

Green Geeks got a positive review on
Green Geeks
3411 Silverside Rd. Tatnall Building #104
Wilmington , DE 19810
☎ Phone 1-877-326-7483
Customer review #6711
Mr.Hales ( ia.nyarlathotep@g... )
Time Hosted under 1 month
Global rating
Price / Cost
Customer Relation
Control Panel
I have been with GreenGeeks only a short time, as I've indicated, but in that short time I must say I have been very impressed.

I was forced to move from my former hosting service (FutureQuest) due to memory constraints. I am using the Drupal CMS to build my site and have made liberal use of a large number of very helpful modules. In fact, I had created so many new content types and used so many contributed modules that the memory limits at FQ prevented me from being able to administer key areas of my site!

The move from my former host was handled very well and done in a timely manner even with my interference (I'm very hands on).

Because I don't care much for CPanel I cannot give it a great rating. However, the ability to utilize ftp and ssh more than makes up for any type of control panel. It allows one to administer like an administrator.

Firstly, the price is just great. As a stereotypical starving artist, my budget is very tight and GreenGeeks hosting fits it very nicely.

GreenGeeks is very, well, green! That's very nice in today's ecologically-aware society and I will be able to leverage that fact as a further selling point (thanks, guys) to individuals for whom this is a concern.

I have found them to be very helpful and patient with any and all questions and also knowledgeable about a wide variety of topics. From live chat to quick responses via email, GreenGeeks have been there when I've needed them. If the service continues in this manner, I don't believe I'll ever have to migrate to another host again.

Top notch, really. I've only the one site, but it is growing ponderously even now as I flesh out the framework. The only walls I seem to strike in this process are the ones that I built.

GreenGeeks is freedom. Linux server (free software) with no restrictions on size or complexity (freedom of movement) that produces more energy than it uses (freedom from carbon footprint).

I am a very happy customer and feel that I will continue to be so for years to come.

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