Go Daddy negative review #677 by mark (mark0@d...) on Sep 2006

Go Daddy got a negative review on
Go Daddy
14455 N. Hayden Road, Suite 226
Scottsdale , AZ 85260
☎ Phone 480-463-8389
Customer review #677
mark ( mark0@d... )
Time Hosted 1 to 3 months
Global rating
Price / Cost
Customer Relation
Control Panel
Godaddy's support is a joke.
I hope anyone hosting with them or considering hosting with them doesn't run into any technical problems. Their phone / email support are of the most UN-technical savvy level you could ever run into with a hosting company.

Their typical responses consist of
- "I'm sorry, I was unable to replicate the problem you're experiencing."
- "Your inquiry was forwarded to Advanced Hosting Support, who were unable to replicate the errors you're experiencing.", etc. etc.

The biggest joke of them all...
Me: "My site is loading slow", etc. etc.
Godaddy: "Please send a screenshot of the troubles you're experiencing...", etc. etc.

YOU'VE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME. How the **** do you take a screenshot of a slow loading site!!

For "technical" support, that should say it all.

No to mention, their servers are EXTREMELY overloaded/croweded. Don't be surprised to find numerous timeouts, errors, etc. with your site after you've been hosted a while. It almost seems as if they move you to a bunged-up server once you've gotten comfortable with them; as initially their hosting was ultra-fast when I first opened my account!

Also do not be surprised to find many of your members/ friends/ customers won't receive your emails if you're using their mailservers, because they're (Godaddy) blacklisted on many of the major ISP's (SBCGlobal, Juno, etc.); they do not pay close enough attention to whose abusing their resources until it's too late.

Lastly, for any company that hires individuals that seek out blogs with "godaddy sucks" written in them, then retorts with obscenities, blaming the complainers for all of their woes does not deserve your hard-earned cash.

Host with somebody that hires respectible individuals that don't fire off the handle like angry teenagers going through puberty when somebody says a few undesirable phrases about them.

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