Green Geeks negative review #7101 by Chris Kaminski on Oct 2009

Green Geeks got a negative review on and one official response on
Green Geeks
3411 Silverside Rd. Tatnall Building #104
Wilmington , DE 19810
☎ Phone 1-877-326-7483
Customer review #7101
Chris Kaminski ( -no email- )
Time Hosted under 1 month
Global rating
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Customer Relation
Control Panel
Avoid this company like the flu. I've been in IT for over 30 yrs, writing websites for 12.
Need to move my clients to a new host. Chose Green Geeks. First revies I found we not bad but after I started digging. Lost a week trying to get a simple stat package working.
Support was there to answer the phone or chat but that was it. they could not fix the problem. They cover up by saying it has to be escalated. Question them anad they become down right nasty. Had to rquest cancelation 3 times.
Avoid these people
This is Trey Gardner, CEO of Green Geeks.

I have been in the web hosting business for over 10 years. Unfortunately this reseller has decided to leave our service because of a program called AW Stats. Anyone who has used this program before knows that it is a severely limited web site statistics program that has come with the cPanel control panel for as long as I can remember.

In addition we attempted to keep Chris Kauminiski as a reseller client and we did try several attempts to keep his business when he had requested a refund. Our attempts to keep him as a client stemmed from the fact that we knew he and his clients would be better served if he stayed and used a better stats program. In searching through our tickets and communication with Chris the stats program issue seemed to have been the only complaint by him about our service. Ultimately he decided to go elsewhere and he was refunded.

Let me first say that AW Stats is terrible. It was a terrible program 8 years ago when I would try to use it to analyze the web site traffic of the web hosting company I worked and it has seen virtually no improvements since then. In addition it can take 24 hours for the stats to generate through AW Stats which was communicated to this former client and which is why he had a complaint about the program.

It was this 3rd party program which has issues with statistical updates as the cause for Mr Kauminski’s dissatisfaction.

We also advised Chris as we do with all our clients to use a far superior web site statistics program called Google Analytics. This is by far the best web site statistics program I have ever used and I have been tracking the statistics of web sites since I got into the internet in the 1990's. I have been using analytics now for over 3 years with great satisfaction, this program is free and is provided by Google.

If you were to compare AW Stats to Google Analytics, AW Stats would be the 3 day old cup of Foldger's instant brewed coffee made with unsanitary tap water compared to Analytics which would be the top of the line, mega grande espresso delight you would find at your favorite coffee house.

Unfortunately we could not convince Chris to switch to this far better program. We were sad to see him go and we do wish him well but we do hope that he switches to Analytics instead of AW Stats at some point as that should help alleviate some of his frustration.

Thank you for your time and consideration. Please if you are looking at a good stats program to monitor your web site traffic, please take some time to look at alternatives to find the best program for you. Again I recommend Google’s Analytics which is free.

Thank you,
Trey Gardner

Marketing representative ([email protected], ).

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