Green Geeks negative review #8197 by Steve Voorhees (svoorhees1@g...)

Green Geeks got a negative review on and one official response on
Green Geeks
3411 Silverside Rd. Tatnall Building #104
Wilmington , DE 19810
☎ Phone 1-877-326-7483
Customer review #8197
Steve Voorhees ( svoorhees1@g... )
Time Hosted 3 to 6 months
Global rating
Price / Cost
Customer Relation
Control Panel
When I started with Green Geeks they were good. I had a reseller account with them and while there the server I was on crashed, and there have been issues since then. They have also disabled SpamAssassin and the cPanel backups function, stating the are too resource intensive. Trying to get backups of my clients when moving was a nightmare. There were also numerous connection failures reported by monitoring services, and FTP or cPanel file manager uploads averaged 3-10kbps which is pathetic. When brought to supports attention, the standard reply was that there were no errors reported on the server and everything appeared to be working.

I would recommend avoiding Green Geeks, unless you don't care about performance, spam, or backups.
This is a response by Trey Gardner CEO of Green Geeks.

Steve was a reseller customer of ours and decided to leave. Thank you for allow me to address address his complaint. First, Spam Assassin is a program which can become intensive and which at times we may need to temporarily disable on a server by server basis but which is never permanently disabled and which was not permanently disabled on his server. When we disable Spam Assassin it is usually for no more than several minutes while the admins work on a particular server.

Backups of files in a shared server environment can cause high disk loads especially when a client backs up their files several times to the server, a case in point is that we had a client with a 2 GB site who backed up their site 40+ times, so their 2GB site was actually using ov er 80GB of disk space. The proper way to backup your files so that you have hem is to back them up to your local computer and not to the server which is what we recommend and allow. The backup to the server has been disabled but it is available to all of our reseller and shared clients and we do provide an FAQ on how to do that as we had provided Steve in this case. In addition we do nightly backups of all our servers in case o any hardware issues, which can occur.

As far as the connection failures we have not seen any connection failures, our own monitoring services do not report any connection failures nor have we had any other clients complain about a connection failure, I have requested that Steve send us his connection failures from his monitoring service with no response by Steve.

Thank You,

Trey Gardner
CEO - Green Geeks

Marketing representative ([email protected], ).

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