Go Daddy negative review #9526 by Mark (mark@g...) on Mar 2010

Go Daddy got a negative review on
Go Daddy
14455 N. Hayden Road, Suite 226
Scottsdale , AZ 85260
☎ Phone 480-463-8389
Customer review #9526
Mark ( mark@g... )
Time Hosted 1 to 3 months
Global rating
Price / Cost
Customer Relation
Control Panel
This hosting is a joke. The setup for multiple domains is a night mare. If you're .NET developer, avoid this place at all costs. I setup my own membership and role provider, and go figure, there's basically no way to get it to work, also if you set it up on your main site, then you have to add it to all of the additional domains that you have, because the web.config for the main site overrides all of the sub sites, even if you set allowoverrid=true. The security permission block just about everything, so you can't do anything that requires a trust above the lowest possible setting. The support staff have no clue what they're talking about and shouldn't even be trying to provide support for hosting, and don't even bother trying to get help with code related errors or issues. If you submit a ticket, prepare to wait a few days for any kind of solution, if you ever get one. It'll take 7 or 8 emails back and for to get anywhere, and most of the time you get things that they have copied and pasted form the support forums, as if I haven't already checked there. There are other hosting companies out there, that are a little more expensive, but they work so I'd recommend going with any of those before going with GoDaddy. Once my year is up I'm outta there. Don't forget about all of the "Extra" features that have the "Extra" fees attached to them, like email, what a joke!

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