Best ❺ plans Ruby On Rails Hosting

Ruby on Rails is usually rare feature included into web hosting plans, being not so popular like other web programming languages, e.g. PHP or ASP. However, some hosting companies started to offer Rails in order to attract more hosting customer on shared hosting plans, dedicated servers or VPS, mainly on Linux platforms.

We choose the best 5 plans available on the market so you can decide which one to take, based on your needs!
CompanyBlue Host logo
👉 Total Reviews: 97
🙌 Average Rating: 5.7 / 10
👍 Good Reviews: 58
👎 Bad Reviews: 39
👈 Official Responses: 17
A2hosting logo
👉 Total Reviews: 142
🙌 Average Rating: 8.8 / 10
👍 Good Reviews: 127
👎 Bad Reviews: 15
👈 Official Responses: 11
Site Ground logo
👉 Total Reviews: 341
🙌 Average Rating: 8.8 / 10
👍 Good Reviews: 303
👎 Bad Reviews: 38
👈 Official Responses: 9
InMotion Hosting logo
👉 Total Reviews: 49
🙌 Average Rating: 7 / 10
👍 Good Reviews: 34
👎 Bad Reviews: 15
👈 Official Responses: 6
Hostinger logo
👉 Total Reviews: 91
🙌 Average Rating: 9 / 10
👍 Good Reviews: 84
👎 Bad Reviews: 7
👈 Official Responses: 5
💰 Price$ 2.95/mo. VAT exc
($ 9.99 after 12 mo.)
$ 2.99/mo.
($ 10.99 after first term)
€ 5.99/mo. VAT exc
(€ 12.99 after 12 mo.)
$ 5.99/mo.
$ 0.99/yr.
($ 35.00 after first term)
💡 Plan nameBasic
screenshot of Basic from
screenshot of Startup from
screenshot of StartUp from
screenshot of Launch from
screenshot of .online from
🔧 Product typeShared Hosting
Shared Hosting
Shared Hosting
Shared Hosting
💿 Disk space50 GB SSD100 GB SSD10 GB SSD50 GB SSD 
📶 Bandwidthunmeteredunmeteredunmeteredunmeteredunlimited
📌 Dedicated IPs0000 
🆓 Free domains0001 
🔌 Hosted domains1112-1
💳 PaymentsCredit / Debit / Prepaid Cards, PayPalCredit / Debit / Prepaid Cards, PayPal, Skrill (Moneybookers)Credit / Debit / Prepaid CardsCredit / Debit / Prepaid Cards, Check Payments, Money OrderCredit / Debit / Prepaid Cards, PayPal, Wire Transfer, Bitcoin
🔨 Control panelCPanelCPanelCPanelCPanel[In-house]
FeaturesBackup, WordpressBackup, DNS, CDN, Green Hosting, Wordpress, Fully ManagedBackup, DNS, CDN, Wordpress, Fully Managed, Website BuilderBackup, Green Hosting, Wordpress, Website BuilderBackup, Website Builder
✍️ Support optionsEmail, Help Desk, Phone / Toll-Free, Available 24/7Email, Help Desk, Phone / Toll-Free, Live Chat, Available 24/7Email, Help Desk, Phone / Toll-Free, Live Chat, Available 24/7Email, Help Desk, Phone / Toll-Free, Live Chat, Available 24/7Email, Help Desk, Live Chat, Available 24/7
🌏 Server Location 
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📆 Updated
👪 Read Reviews
#1👉 Total Reviews: 97
🙌 Average Rating: 5.7 / 10
👍 Good Reviews: 58
👎 Bad Reviews: 39
👈 Official Responses: 17

Blue Host reviews
#2👉 Total Reviews: 142
🙌 Average Rating: 8.8 / 10
👍 Good Reviews: 127
👎 Bad Reviews: 15
👈 Official Responses: 11

A2hosting reviews
#3👉 Total Reviews: 341
🙌 Average Rating: 8.8 / 10
👍 Good Reviews: 303
👎 Bad Reviews: 38
👈 Official Responses: 9

Site Ground reviews
#4👉 Total Reviews: 49
🙌 Average Rating: 7 / 10
👍 Good Reviews: 34
👎 Bad Reviews: 15
👈 Official Responses: 6

InMotion Hosting reviews
#5👉 Total Reviews: 91
🙌 Average Rating: 9 / 10
👍 Good Reviews: 84
👎 Bad Reviews: 7
👈 Official Responses: 5

Hostinger reviews

About Ruby on Rails Hosting

Ruby on Rails HostingRails or RoR, is an open source web application framework for the Ruby programming language. It is intended to be used with an Agile development methodology that is used by web developers for rapid development.

Like many web frameworks, Rails uses the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture pattern to organize application programming.

Ruby on Rails includes tools that make common development tasks easier "out of the box", such as scaffolding that can automatically construct some of the models and views needed for a basic website. Also included are WEBrick, a simple ruby web server, and Rake, a build system. Together with Rails these tools provide a basic development environment.

Ruby on Rails relies on a web server to run it. Mongrel is generally preferred over WEBrick at the time of writing but it can also be run by Lighttpd, Abyss, Apache (either as a module - Passenger for example - or via CGI, FastCGI or mod_ruby), and many others. From 2008 onwards, the Passenger web server replaced Mongrel as the most used web server. Recently, the Unicorn web server has become a favorite of new deployments.

Rails is also noteworthy for its extensive use of the JavaScript libraries Prototype and for Ajax. Rails initially utilized lightweight SOAP for web services; this was later replaced by RESTful web services.

Since version 2.0, Ruby on Rails by default offers both HTML and XML as output formats. The latter is the facility for RESTful web services.

Ruby on Rails is separated into various packages, namely ActiveRecord (an object-relational mapping system for database access), ActiveResource (provides web services), ActionPack, ActiveSupport and ActionMailer. Prior to version 2.0, Rails also included the Action Web Service package that is now replaced by Active Resource. Apart from standard packages, developers can make plugins to extend existing packages.

Ruby on Rails is intended to emphasize Convention over Configuration (CoC), and the rapid development principle of Don't Repeat Yourself (DRY).

"Convention over Configuration" means a developer only needs to specify unconventional aspects of the application. For example, if there is a class Sale in the model, the corresponding table in the database is called sales by default. It is only if one deviates from this convention, such as calling the table "products sold", that the developer needs to write code regarding these names. Generally, this leads to less code and less repetition.

"Don't repeat yourself" means that information is located in a single, unambiguous place. For example, using the ActiveRecord module of Rails, the developer does not need to specify database column names in class definitions. Instead, Ruby on Rails can retrieve this information from the database based on the class name.

Ruby on Rails is often installed using RubyGems, a package manager which is included with Ruby. Many Linux distributions also support installation of Rails and its dependencies through their native package management system.

Ruby on Rails is typically integrated with a database server such as MySQL and a web server such as Apache. As an alternative to manual installation, a pre-integrated TurnKey Rails appliance can be used to deploy a ready-to-use server.

Rails hosting providers such as Engine Yard and Heroku support deployment of Ruby on Rails applications as a cloud service.

Tags Ruby on Rails Hosting

RoR WEBrick Rake Unicorn mod_ruby Phusion Passenger ActiveRecord ActiveResource ActionPack ActiveSupport ActionMailer RubyGems Heroku Capistrano JRuby nginx HAProxy Mongrels Thins Glassfish Jetty Warbler

🔘 Ruby on Rails Hosting references

Disclosure: Although we attempt to provide useful and accurate information we can not guarantee that it is always right. This is a professional website that may receive compensation from some providers which we review and promote or advertise, however that does not affect our reviews ratings!

📣 Latest tweets mentioning Ruby on Rails

📖 Latest blogs mentioning Ruby on Rails Icon 🏆 Alexa 2,044 - 📅 - Ruby on Rails vs Node.js: A Head-to-Head Comparison - Choosing a framework or language for your project can be challenging, especially on the backend, where maintaining user data and creating APIs and libraries are key. ... The post Ruby on Rails vs Node.js: A Head-to-Head Comparison appeared first on Kinsta®. Icon 🏆 Alexa 88,105 - 📅 - Using MySQL with Ruby on Rails App on Ubuntu 21.04 - Ruby is a powerful programming language. It’s an interpreted, high-level, and general-purpose language that incorporates multiple programming paradigms. Yukihiro Matsumoto, the creator of Ruby, blended various parts of his favorite programming languages like Perl, Ada, Lisp, Eiffel, Smalltalk, ... Icon 🏆 Alexa 88,105 - 📅 - Setting up Ruby on Rails with PostgreSQL - Among all the available database engines, PostgreSQL is one of the most popular ones. It’s a well-known open-source database system known for its reliability, robust features, and performance. Because PostgreSQL is a popular choice, it’s supported by almost all major web frameworks. Similar to its ... Icon 🏆 Alexa 200,475 - 📅 - Is Ruby On Rails Dead Or Still Good Choice For Building Apps? - 8 min read As the requirement of developers and businesses develop, so do technologies. Frameworks are an essential part of this technology. They help businesses to design different solutions. Just like technologies, frameworks also develop with time. There are various programming languages like ... Icon 🏆 Alexa 88,105 - 📅 - Installing Ruby on Rails with RVM on Ubuntu 20.04 - Ruby on Rails is one of the most popular web app frameworks. It’s open-source software designed for developers to create successful projects while writing fewer codes. Having a fun and enjoyable development experience is one of the fundamental principles that make Ruby on Rails an attractive ...

📋 Latest news about Ruby on Rails

Do you Understand why Ruby On Rails is so Special? - 📅 - Ruby on Rails is a web application foundation for those looking to build a great website. It's been around since 2005 and developers and users are still raving about it. This hot commodity offers an open-source web application framework using “Ruby” as its programming language by utilizing engineering patterns like Convention Over Configuration, ...
IBEE Solutions Releases Ruby on Rails Hosting Packages in India - 📅 - Company announces new Ruby on Rails hosting in its new 64 bit Enterprise class Linux web hosting plans. IBEE Solutions, a provider of managed hosting and IT solutions, today announced new Ruby on Rails hosting in its new 64 bit Enterprise class Linux web hosting plans. According to the company, along with Ruby on Rails, it supports ...
Mosso Swapping Ruby on Rails Platform - 📅 - Mosso (, Rackspace's ( cloud computing division, announced Wednesday on its blog that it has stopped provisioning new Ruby on Rails ( sites to the Cloud Sites platform as the company transitions over to a Slicehost's technology-based hosting model for RoR. The announcement comes off ...