✔ Go Daddy revisione

81 recensioni degli utenti; 0 risposte di supporto; 0 testimonianze; 33 prodotti, 3 promozioni, 12 conti sociali; 46952259 domini ospitati, Alexa #153; 📆 elencato 2005 (#2832)
Go Daddy
14455 N. Hayden Road, Suite 226
Scottsdale , AZ 85260
☎ Telefono 480-463-8389

Lingua (e) del sito Web: da-DK nl-BE nl-NL en-GB en-US fr-BE fr-CA fr-FR fr-CH de-AT de-DE de-CH el-GR hi-IN id-ID it-IT it-CH ja-JP ko-KR ms-MY nb-NO pl-PL pt-BR pt-PT ru-RU es-AR es-CL es-CO es-ES sv-SE ta-IN te-IN th-TH tr-TR uk-UA vi-VN
🏆 Alexa Rating 153▲ 35 👤 Voto dell'utente 🙌 Media 3.2 su 10
👉 Recensioni totali: 81
👍 Raccomandato da: 22
👎 Contrario: 59
🤝 Risposte ufficiali: 0

💰 Fascia di prezzo $ 3,66 - $ 399,99⏰ Supporto 24x7
💳 Opzioni di pagamento Carte di credito / debito / prepagate, PayPal, [...]
🏆 SEO MOZ Authority 94/88🔗 Link 33151183
Stato di completamento del profilo:
Cose fatte
Le descrizioni dell'azienda vanno bene
La posizione dell'indirizzo dell'azienda è completa
Telefono / fax aziendale aggiunto
Vengono aggiunti gli account Twitter e Facebook dell'azienda
Vengono aggiunti gli URL "Informazioni sulla pagina" o "Pagina contatti"
Vengono aggiunti gli URL di forum, blog / annunci, knowledge base o FAQ
Prodotti (piani) aggiunti
Le promozioni vengono aggiunte, ma alcune non vengono aggiornate da oltre 2 anni


👪 Recensioni dei clienti più recenti

-anonimo- (2021@b...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
Valutazione globale
😠 WAS für eine Abzocke - Ich habe gerade festgestellt, dass GoDaddy unsere Domains für satte 10 Jahre für je 235 US$ automatisch verlängert hat! Kein Langzeitverlängerungsrabatt. Kein Langzeitkunden-Rabatt. Keine Möglichkeit, das automatisch durchgeführte Geschäft anzupassen/zu kündigen. Screenshot: https://www.screencast.com/t/kKfysBDjf
-anonimo- (info@a...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
Valutazione globale
😠 terribile! in website builder mi spariscono le foto da sole...da un mese che devo rimettere foto sparite! I call centers non risolvono nulla
-anonimo- (taxilugano@g...) / paxlimousune.com
⏳ Tempo ospitato: 1-3 mesi
Valutazione globale
😠 Appena ho cancellato tutto che avevo da loro,
dicharano un prezzo e poi ti costringono pagare molto di piu, continuamente si blocca, nessuno non risponde, ti offrono i servizi e sicurezza alla fine non ti cagano ne anche.. non mi davano possibilità di trasferite i miei nome domini che già lo pagato.. SCIFFOO..
Rimango solo numero per loro che dovrebbe pagare... Cancello tutto..
Verificata 2005
godaddy.com logo

📄 Revisione editoriale

🔃 Go Daddy è parte di Godaddy
🔧 Servizi: Web hostingRegistrazione del dominio Registrar ICANN Proprio centro dati
⇔ Domini reindirizzati: godaddy.ph bluerazor.com wildwestdomains.com secureserver.net heg.com paragon.net.uk godaddy.net goddady.com domaincontrol.com godaddy.pe domainsmadeeasy.com securepaynet.net securepaynet-reseller.com clicknseek.com internetsolved.com turbocloudhosting.com
⇔ Reindirizzato da mediatemple.net supermedios.com willhosting.com hosteurope.es

GoDaddy.com è il più grande registrar di nomi di dominio al mondo .

GoDaddy è una delle società di hosting più popolari nel settore che afferma di avere più di 18,5 milioni di clienti e di controllare più di 77 milioni di domini.
GoDaddy è specializzato nei seguenti prodotti di hosting:
  • Hosting Web (incluso hosting WordPress);
  • Hosting VPS;
  • Server dedicati;
  • Registrazione del dominio;
  • Hosting per rivenditori;
  • Website Builder.
  • DNS

I piani di hosting condiviso includono larghezza di banda illimitata, un dominio gratuito ed e-mail aziendale gratuita. GoDaddy promette che questi piani sono dotati di installazione con 1 clic di oltre 125 applicazioni gratuite (WordPress, Joomla, ecc.), Acquisto con 1 clic di risorse aggiuntive (CPU, RAM, ecc.), Flessibilità, 1 GB di spazio di archiviazione del database (MySQL Linux ), Configurazione con un clic per i domini registrati di GoDaddy. Le specifiche tecniche per le opzioni Rivenditore includono la licenza WHMCS integrata gratuita; WHMCS e cPanel; fino a 250 account pronti con etichetta bianca; siti Web e database illimitati; larghezza di banda illimitata; certificato SSL gratuito. L'hosting VPS è dotato di certificato SSL gratuito di 1 anno, 3 IP dedicati, accesso root completo, larghezza di banda illimitata. I server dedicati hanno caratteristiche simili alle opzioni di hosting VPS.

Le ultime notizie su GoDaddy rappresentano le loro implicazioni e i risultati su vari aspetti. Gli ultimi titoli pubblicati ad aprile hanno mostrato che erano attivi in:
- Organizzazione di una teleconferenza: "GoDaddy Inc. annuncia la teleconferenza sugli utili del primo trimestre 2019";
- Avvio di un negozio online: "Gli imprenditori possono ora vendere facilmente ovunque con il lancio di GoDaddy Marketplaces";
- Sostenere l'uguaglianza: "GoDaddy ottiene un punteggio perfetto nell'indice di uguaglianza aziendale 2019 sull'uguaglianza sul posto di lavoro LGBTQ";
- Coinvolgimento in vari eventi: "GoDaddy Inc. presenterà alla 47a conferenza annuale J.P. Morgan Global Technology, Media and Communications Conference".

Il Go Daddy Group di società comprende anche Wild West Domains, Inc. ( wildwestdomains.com ), un rivenditore di servizi e prodotti relativi al dominio, Domains By Proxy ( domainsbyproxy.com ), un servizio di registrazione privata Starfield Technologies , un software avanzato e soluzioni Internet (incluso SSL) e Blue Razor Domains , un registrar di sconti sull'abbonamento.

In qualità di registrar di domini accreditato da ICANN , Go Daddy gestisce molti nomi, offre prodotti a prezzi inferiori rispetto alla concorrenza e li supporta tutti con un servizio clienti 24 ore su 24, 7 giorni su 7.

Sviluppano la loro tecnologia internamente e non esternalizzano le operazioni di supporto . Ciò consente loro di fornire il miglior supporto e garantire prodotti e servizi avanzati e competitivi.

Fondato da Bob Parsons ( bobparsons.com ) nel 1997, The Go Daddy Group è cresciuto fino a raggiungere milioni di domini sotto la loro gestione. Offrono una linea di prodotti completa, comprese soluzioni di hosting di grandi dimensioni, certificati SSL, strumenti per la creazione di siti Web, e-mail personalizzate, strumenti di e-commerce e molto altro ancora.

NOTA 2020: Godaddy offre ora macchine dedicate reali (bare metal) chiamate Generazione 4, invece di vecchie macchine virtuali dedicate (ritirate)

Per rimanere globalmente chiusi a tutti i clienti in tutto il mondo, utilizzano sottodomini per molti paesi (come in.godaddy.com per l'India o de.godaddy.com per la Germania), localizzando per le loro lingue.

💰 Prezzo e costo

Il sistema di prezzi di GoDaddy è uno dei più competitivi del settore. I loro prezzi sono davvero convenienti, ma alcuni potrebbero considerare che dopo aver rinnovato i prezzi, i piani potrebbero diventare piuttosto costosi. Ottieni ottimi prezzi per ottimi prodotti, soprattutto utilizzando i loro codici coupon molto interessanti (disponibili all'iscrizione e al rinnovo).

GoDaddy offre la garanzia di rimborso standard del settore, ovvero 30 giorni in cui un cliente può ottenere un rimborso.

A partire dalla metà del 2020, una volta rilasciata la Gen 4 dei loro VPS e server dedicati , possiamo confermare che il prezzo / valore delle loro macchine dedicate sono i migliori del settore!

Tuttavia, il prezzo per la registrazione del dominio è ancora alto rispetto a Namesilo (il nostro registrar di domini consigliato) . Puoi comunque utilizzare Godaddy per i tuoi domini, poiché offrono servizi di prima classe (se non ti interessa molto la differenza di prezzo)

⌛ Affidabilità

GoDaddy promette ai propri clienti il tempo di attività del 99,9% che è relativamente popolare tra le società di hosting, solo poche come DreamHost offre il 100% di disponibilità

🏢 Banca dati

GoDaddy ha più posizioni che facilitano la velocità e la stabilità per i siti web dei clienti in tutto il mondo. Questi si trovano in luoghi come California, Silicon Valley, Cambridge, Seattle, Belfast, Phoenix, Arizona, Europa, India, Asia o Iowa.

- Più datacenter situati negli Stati Uniti e in Europa
- Il miglior networking della categoria
- Backbone Ethernet DWDM operante a 20 Gbps (solo Stati Uniti)
- Personale di sicurezza in loco 24 ore su 24, 7 giorni su 7 e migliore tecnologia di sicurezza

✍️ Servizio Clienti

GoDaddy fornisce supporto in 27 lingue, il che rappresenta un grande vantaggio nel settore dell'hosting. Offrono assistenza tramite telefono, e-mail, chat dal vivo o ticket. I clienti hanno anche la possibilità di accedere a un'ampia selezione di tutorial.

🔨 Pannello di controllo

Hanno sviluppato un pannello di controllo generale per tutti i tuoi prodotti e da lì puoi accedere a un particolare gruppo di prodotti utilizzando un'interfaccia avanzata. Dopo aver sviluppato il loro pannello di controllo dell'hosting web per diversi anni chiamato "Simple Control Panel", sono tornati a CPanel e Plesk pannelli di controllo. Oltre a questo, hanno pannelli interni per la gestione di domini, dns, server dedicati e altri prodotti.

🎯 Conclusione

GoDaddy è un provider di hosting mondiale che viene fornito con una varietà di prodotti.
- Una delle società di hosting più popolari del settore;
- Azienda mondiale;

- All'inizio i prezzi sembrano davvero convenienti, ma dopo il rinnovo i piani potrebbero diventare un po 'costosi;
- Reclami riguardanti la loro assistenza clienti;

🌏 Posizioni del server:

📢 Pagine speciali

godaddy.com immagine dello schermo
Ricerca di siti Web per Go Daddy sopra maggio 1, 2019 di WebHostingTop

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Piani📤 Go Daddy Prodotti del sito Web

🔧 Condiviso - 💻 Linux Mantieni il mouse
sulle funzionalità!
💰Prezzo💿 Spazio sul disco 📶 Trasferimento 📆 Aggiornato🆓 Dominio gratuito /
🔌 Permesso
Economy caratteristiche💳 Modalità di pagamento : Carte di credito / debito / prepagate, PayPal, AliPay, Bonifico bancario, Skrill (Moneybookers), Cash Cards (CCAvenue), AstroPay Card, Controlla i pagamenti, Money Order
🔨 Pannello di controllo : CPanel
🔧 Categoria : Di riserva, DNS, Wordpress
✍️ Opzioni di supporto : E-mail, Help Desk, Telefono / Numero verde, Forum, Chat dal vivo, Disponibile 24 ore su 24, 7 giorni su 7
🔌 Domini ospitati : 1
🆓 Domini gratuiti : 1
📌 IP dedicati : 0

screenshot di Economy a partire dal godaddy.comFTP users 50
MySQL databases 10 x 1 GB
Award-winning, 24/7 support

External domains Unlimited
Subdomains 25
Alias domains Unlimited
Easy application installer
Password protected directories
SSH [...]
🔗 URL del piano : https://www.godaddy.com/en-uk/hosting/web-hosting
$5,99/ Mo.
($ 8,99 dopo primo termine) IVA escl
25 GBunmetered 1 / 1
Deluxe caratteristiche💳 Modalità di pagamento : Carte di credito / debito / prepagate, PayPal, AliPay, Bonifico bancario, Skrill (Moneybookers), Cash Cards (CCAvenue), AstroPay Card, Controlla i pagamenti, Money Order
🔨 Pannello di controllo : CPanel
🔧 Categoria : Di riserva, DNS, Wordpress
✍️ Opzioni di supporto : E-mail, Help Desk, Telefono / Numero verde, Forum, Chat dal vivo, Disponibile 24 ore su 24, 7 giorni su 7
🔌 Domini ospitati : Illimitato
🆓 Domini gratuiti : 1
📌 IP dedicati : 0

screenshot di Deluxe a partire dal godaddy.comFTP users 50
MySQL databases 25 x 1 GB
External domains Unlimited
Subdomains Unlimited
Number of files Up to 250,000
🔗 URL del piano : https://www.godaddy.com/en-uk/hosting/web-hosting
$7,99/ Mo.
($ 11,99 dopo primo termine) IVA escl
50 GBunmetered 1 / illimitato
Ultimate caratteristiche💳 Modalità di pagamento : Carte di credito / debito / prepagate, PayPal, AliPay, Bonifico bancario, Skrill (Moneybookers), Cash Cards (CCAvenue), AstroPay Card, Controlla i pagamenti, Money Order
🔨 Pannello di controllo : CPanel
🔧 Categoria : Di riserva, DNS, Wordpress
✍️ Opzioni di supporto : E-mail, Help Desk, Telefono / Numero verde, Forum, Chat dal vivo, Disponibile 24 ore su 24, 7 giorni su 7
Altre caratteristiche : Premium DNS, 1-year SSL certificate
🔌 Domini ospitati : Illimitato
🆓 Domini gratuiti : 1
📌 IP dedicati : 0

screenshot di Ultimate a partire dal godaddy.comFTP users Unlimited
MySQL databases Unlimited x 1 GB

Deluxe features, plus
2x processing power & memory

Free SSL Certificate - 1 year ($69.99 value)
Free Premium DNS ($35.88/yr value)

All plans include
1-click install of 125+ free [...]
🔗 URL del piano : https://www.godaddy.com/en-uk/hosting/web-hosting
$12,99/ Mo.
($ 16,99 dopo primo termine) IVA escl
100 GBunmetered 1 / illimitato
🔧 Condiviso - 💻 Windows Mantieni il mouse
sulle funzionalità!
💰Prezzo💿 Spazio sul disco 📶 Trasferimento 📆 Aggiornato🆓 Dominio gratuito /
🔌 Permesso
Economy caratteristiche💳 Modalità di pagamento : Carte di credito / debito / prepagate, PayPal, AliPay, Bonifico bancario, Skrill (Moneybookers), Cash Cards (CCAvenue), AstroPay Card, Controlla i pagamenti, Money Order
🔨 Pannello di controllo : Plesk
🔧 Categoria : Di riserva, Wordpress
✍️ Opzioni di supporto : E-mail, Help Desk, Telefono / Numero verde, Forum, Chat dal vivo, Disponibile 24 ore su 24, 7 giorni su 7
🔌 Domini ospitati : 1
🆓 Domini gratuiti : 1
📌 IP dedicati : 0

screenshot di Economy a partire dal godaddy.com100 email addresses
10 MySQL databases (1GB each)
1 MSSQL database (200MB)
50 FTP users
Free domain with annual plan
Database backup/restore

Subdomains Unlimited
Alias domains Unlimited
Windows Server 2012 R2
Raw access [...]
🔗 URL del piano : https://www.godaddy.com/en-uk/hosting/windows-hosting
$5,99/ Mo.
($ 8,99 dopo primo termine) IVA escl
100 GBunmetered 1 / 1
Deluxe caratteristiche💳 Modalità di pagamento : Carte di credito / debito / prepagate, PayPal, AliPay, Bonifico bancario, Skrill (Moneybookers), Cash Cards (CCAvenue), AstroPay Card, Controlla i pagamenti, Money Order
🔨 Pannello di controllo : Plesk
🔧 Categoria : Di riserva, Wordpress
✍️ Opzioni di supporto : E-mail, Help Desk, Telefono / Numero verde, Forum, Chat dal vivo, Disponibile 24 ore su 24, 7 giorni su 7
🔌 Domini ospitati : Illimitato
🆓 Domini gratuiti : 1
📌 IP dedicati : 0

screenshot di Deluxe a partire dal godaddy.com25 MySQL databases (1GB each)
2 MSSQL databases (200MB each)
Free Microsoft Office 365 Business Email – 1st year
50 FTP users
Free domain with annual plan
Site backup & restore (paid option)

All plans include
All plans utilize Windows® [...]
🔗 URL del piano : https://www.godaddy.com/en-uk/hosting/windows-hosting
$7,99/ Mo.
($ 11,99 dopo primo termine) IVA escl
illimitatounmetered 1 / illimitato
Ultimate caratteristiche💳 Modalità di pagamento : Carte di credito / debito / prepagate, PayPal, AliPay, Bonifico bancario, Skrill (Moneybookers), Cash Cards (CCAvenue), AstroPay Card, Controlla i pagamenti, Money Order
🔨 Pannello di controllo : Plesk
🔧 Categoria : Di riserva, DNS, Wordpress
✍️ Opzioni di supporto : E-mail, Help Desk, Telefono / Numero verde, Forum, Chat dal vivo, Disponibile 24 ore su 24, 7 giorni su 7
Altre caratteristiche : Premium DNS, 1-year SSL certificate
🔌 Domini ospitati : Illimitato
🆓 Domini gratuiti : 1
📌 IP dedicati : 0

screenshot di Ultimate a partire dal godaddy.comHandles the most complex sites and heaviest traffic.
Unlimited MySQL databases (1GB each)
Unlimited MSSQL databases (200MB each)
Unlimited FTP users
Free domain with annual plan
Free Microsoft Office 365 Business Email – 1st year
Premium DNS
🔗 URL del piano : https://www.godaddy.com/en-uk/hosting/windows-hosting
$12,99/ Mo.
($ 16,99 dopo primo termine) IVA escl
illimitatounmetered 1 / illimitato
🔧 Dedito - 💻 Linux Mantieni il mouse
sulle funzionalità!
💰Prezzo💿 Spazio sul disco 📶 Trasferimento 📆 Aggiornato🔋 RAM /
📌 IP dedicati
DS-32 caratteristiche💳 Modalità di pagamento : Carte di credito / debito / prepagate, PayPal, AliPay, Bonifico bancario, Skrill (Moneybookers), Cash Cards (CCAvenue), AstroPay Card, Controlla i pagamenti, Money Order
🔨 Pannello di controllo : CPanel, Plesk, CentOS Web Panel, WHM
✍️ Opzioni di supporto : E-mail, Help Desk, Telefono / Numero verde, Forum, Chat dal vivo, Disponibile 24 ore su 24, 7 giorni su 7
🔋 RAM : 32000 MB
💪 Processore : Intel Xeon-D 4C/8T – 3.0 GHz Turbo
🔌 Domini ospitati : Illimitato
🆓 Domini gratuiti : 0
📌 IP dedicati : 1

screenshot di DS-32 a partire dal godaddy.comOptional industry standard cPanel/WHM or Plesk Webhost Edition available on Linux CentOS.

Harness the full processing power with single-tenant bare metal servers with root/admin privileges for complete server control – down to the kernel.

Whether [...]
🔗 URL del piano : https://uk.godaddy.com/hosting/dedicated-server
$129,99/ Mo. IVA escl4000 GBunmetered 32 GB / 1
DS-64 caratteristiche💳 Modalità di pagamento : Carte di credito / debito / prepagate, PayPal, AliPay, Bonifico bancario, Skrill (Moneybookers), Cash Cards (CCAvenue), AstroPay Card, Controlla i pagamenti, Money Order
🔨 Pannello di controllo : CPanel, Plesk, CentOS Web Panel, WHM
✍️ Opzioni di supporto : E-mail, Help Desk, Telefono / Numero verde, Forum, Chat dal vivo, Disponibile 24 ore su 24, 7 giorni su 7
🔋 RAM : 64000 MB
💪 Processore : Intel Xeon-E 6C/12T – 4.5 GHz Turbo
🔌 Domini ospitati : Illimitato
🆓 Domini gratuiti : 0
📌 IP dedicati : 1

screenshot di DS-64 a partire dal godaddy.com
🔗 URL del piano : https://uk.godaddy.com/hosting/dedicated-server
$169,99/ Mo. IVA escl4000 GBunmetered 64 GB / 1
DS-128 caratteristiche💳 Modalità di pagamento : Carte di credito / debito / prepagate, PayPal, AliPay, Bonifico bancario, Skrill (Moneybookers), Cash Cards (CCAvenue), AstroPay Card, Controlla i pagamenti, Money Order
🔨 Pannello di controllo : CPanel, Plesk, CentOS Web Panel, WHM
✍️ Opzioni di supporto : E-mail, Help Desk, Telefono / Numero verde, Forum, Chat dal vivo, Disponibile 24 ore su 24, 7 giorni su 7
🔋 RAM : 128000 MB
💪 Processore : AMD EPYC™ 16C/32T – 2.9 GHz Turbo
🔌 Domini ospitati : Illimitato
🆓 Domini gratuiti : 0
📌 IP dedicati : 1

screenshot di DS-128 a partire dal godaddy.com
🔗 URL del piano : https://uk.godaddy.com/hosting/dedicated-server
$299,99/ Mo. IVA escl8000 GBunmetered 125 GB / 1
DS-256 caratteristiche💳 Modalità di pagamento : Carte di credito / debito / prepagate, PayPal, AliPay, Bonifico bancario, Skrill (Moneybookers), Cash Cards (CCAvenue), AstroPay Card, Controlla i pagamenti, Money Order
🔨 Pannello di controllo : CPanel, Plesk, CentOS Web Panel, WHM
✍️ Opzioni di supporto : E-mail, Help Desk, Telefono / Numero verde, Forum, Chat dal vivo, Disponibile 24 ore su 24, 7 giorni su 7
🔋 RAM : 256000 MB
💪 Processore : AMD EPYC™ 16C/32T – 2.9 GHz Turbo
🔌 Domini ospitati : Illimitato
🆓 Domini gratuiti : 0
📌 IP dedicati : 1

screenshot di DS-256 a partire dal godaddy.com
🔗 URL del piano : https://uk.godaddy.com/hosting/dedicated-server
$399,99/ Mo. IVA escl8000 GBunmetered 250 GB / 1
🔧 VPS - 💻 Linux/Windows Mantieni il mouse
sulle funzionalità!
💰Prezzo💿 Spazio sul disco 📶 Trasferimento 📆 Aggiornato🔋 RAM /
📌 IP dedicati
1 vCPU caratteristiche💳 Modalità di pagamento : Carte di credito / debito / prepagate, PayPal, AliPay, Bonifico bancario, Skrill (Moneybookers), Cash Cards (CCAvenue), AstroPay Card, Controlla i pagamenti, Money Order
🔨 Pannello di controllo : CPanel, Plesk, WHM, KVM
🔧 Categoria : Autogestito
✍️ Opzioni di supporto : E-mail, Help Desk, Telefono / Numero verde, Forum, Chat dal vivo, Disponibile 24 ore su 24, 7 giorni su 7
🔋 RAM : 1000 MB
💪 Processore : 1 CPU Core
🔌 Domini ospitati : Illimitato
🆓 Domini gratuiti : 0
📌 IP dedicati : 1

screenshot di 1 vCPU a partire dal godaddy.comExperience high-performance SSDs on OpenStack for 3X the speed plus unlimited traffic. You also get KVM virtualization for full control of your hardware resources.

There’s no longer a need for those cumbersome, manual migrations. Easily increase [...]
🔗 URL del piano : https://www.godaddy.com/en-uk/hosting/vps-hosting
$4,99/ Mo. IVA escl20 GB SSDunmetered 1 GB / 1
2 vCPU caratteristiche💳 Modalità di pagamento : Carte di credito / debito / prepagate, PayPal, AliPay, Bonifico bancario, Skrill (Moneybookers), Cash Cards (CCAvenue), AstroPay Card, Controlla i pagamenti, Money Order
🔨 Pannello di controllo : CPanel, Plesk, WHM, KVM
🔧 Categoria : Autogestito
✍️ Opzioni di supporto : E-mail, Help Desk, Telefono / Numero verde, Forum, Chat dal vivo, Disponibile 24 ore su 24, 7 giorni su 7
🔋 RAM : 4000 MB
💪 Processore : 2 CPU Cores
🔌 Domini ospitati : Illimitato
🆓 Domini gratuiti : 0
📌 IP dedicati : 2

screenshot di 2 vCPU a partire dal godaddy.com
🔗 URL del piano : https://www.godaddy.com/en-uk/hosting/vps-hosting
$19,99/ Mo. IVA escl100 GB SSDunmetered 4 GB / 2
4 vCPU caratteristiche💳 Modalità di pagamento : Carte di credito / debito / prepagate, PayPal, AliPay, Bonifico bancario, Skrill (Moneybookers), Cash Cards (CCAvenue), AstroPay Card, Controlla i pagamenti, Money Order
🔨 Pannello di controllo : CPanel, Plesk, WHM, KVM
🔧 Categoria : Autogestito
✍️ Opzioni di supporto : E-mail, Help Desk, Telefono / Numero verde, Forum, Chat dal vivo, Disponibile 24 ore su 24, 7 giorni su 7
🔋 RAM : 8000 MB
💪 Processore : 4 CPU Cores
🔌 Domini ospitati : Illimitato
🆓 Domini gratuiti : 0
📌 IP dedicati : 3

screenshot di 4 vCPU a partire dal godaddy.com
🔗 URL del piano : https://www.godaddy.com/en-uk/hosting/vps-hosting
$39,99/ Mo. IVA escl200 GB SSDunmetered 8 GB / 3
8 vCPU caratteristiche💳 Modalità di pagamento : Carte di credito / debito / prepagate, PayPal, AliPay, Bonifico bancario, Skrill (Moneybookers), Cash Cards (CCAvenue), AstroPay Card, Controlla i pagamenti, Money Order
🔨 Pannello di controllo : CPanel, Plesk, WHM, KVM
🔧 Categoria : Autogestito
✍️ Opzioni di supporto : E-mail, Help Desk, Telefono / Numero verde, Forum, Chat dal vivo, Disponibile 24 ore su 24, 7 giorni su 7
🔋 RAM : 16000 MB
💪 Processore : 8 CPU Cores
🔌 Domini ospitati : Illimitato
🆓 Domini gratuiti : 0
📌 IP dedicati : 3

screenshot di 8 vCPU a partire dal godaddy.com
🔗 URL del piano : https://uk.godaddy.com/hosting/vps-hosting
$69,99/ Mo. IVA escl400 GB SSDunmetered 16 GB / 3
🔧 Cloud - 💻 Linux/Windows Mantieni il mouse
sulle funzionalità!
💰Prezzo💿 Spazio sul disco 📶 Trasferimento 📆 Aggiornato🔋 RAM /
📌 IP dedicati
Launch caratteristiche💳 Modalità di pagamento : Carte di credito / debito / prepagate, PayPal, AliPay, Bonifico bancario, Skrill (Moneybookers), Cash Cards (CCAvenue), AstroPay Card, Controlla i pagamenti, Money Order
🔨 Pannello di controllo : CPanel
🔧 Categoria : DNS
✍️ Opzioni di supporto : E-mail, Help Desk, Telefono / Numero verde, Forum, Chat dal vivo, Disponibile 24 ore su 24, 7 giorni su 7
Altre caratteristiche : Premium DNS, 1-year SSL certificate
🔋 RAM : 4000 MB
💪 Processore : 2 CPU
🔌 Domini ospitati : Illimitato
🆓 Domini gratuiti : 0
📌 IP dedicati : 0

screenshot di Launch a partire dal godaddy.comFor multiple basic sites.

Standard SSL Certificate

Free for the first year with each plan Microsoft Office 365 Business Email $59.88 value (Renews at $59.88 after 1 year!)
🔗 URL del piano : https://www.godaddy.com/en-uk/hosting/business-hosting-plans
$19,99/ Mo.
($ 29,99 dopo primo termine) IVA escl
250 GBunmetered 4 GB / 0
Enhance caratteristiche💳 Modalità di pagamento : Carte di credito / debito / prepagate, PayPal, AliPay, Bonifico bancario, Skrill (Moneybookers), Cash Cards (CCAvenue), AstroPay Card, Controlla i pagamenti, Money Order
🔨 Pannello di controllo : CPanel
🔧 Categoria : DNS
✍️ Opzioni di supporto : E-mail, Help Desk, Telefono / Numero verde, Forum, Chat dal vivo, Disponibile 24 ore su 24, 7 giorni su 7
Altre caratteristiche : Premium DNS, 1-year SSL certificate
🔋 RAM : 8000 MB
💪 Processore : 4 CPU
🔌 Domini ospitati : Illimitato
🆓 Domini gratuiti : 0
📌 IP dedicati : 0

screenshot di Enhance a partire dal godaddy.comFor high-traffic WordPress, Joomla and other sites.
Standard SSL Certificate

Free for the first year with each plan Microsoft Office 365 Business Email $59.88 value (Renews at $59.88 after 1 year!)
🔗 URL del piano : https://www.godaddy.com/en-uk/hosting/business-hosting-plans
$34,99/ Mo.
($ 49,99 dopo primo termine) IVA escl
300 GBunmetered 8 GB / 0
Grow caratteristiche💳 Modalità di pagamento : Carte di credito / debito / prepagate, PayPal, AliPay, Bonifico bancario, Skrill (Moneybookers), Cash Cards (CCAvenue), AstroPay Card, Controlla i pagamenti, Money Order
🔨 Pannello di controllo : CPanel
🔧 Categoria : DNS
✍️ Opzioni di supporto : E-mail, Help Desk, Telefono / Numero verde, Forum, Chat dal vivo, Disponibile 24 ore su 24, 7 giorni su 7
Altre caratteristiche : Premium DNS, 1-year SSL certificate
🔋 RAM : 16000 MB
💪 Processore : 8 CPU
🔌 Domini ospitati : Illimitato
🆓 Domini gratuiti : 0
📌 IP dedicati : 0

screenshot di Grow a partire dal godaddy.comFor advanced eCommerce sites like Magento.

Standard SSL Certificate

Free for the first year with each plan Microsoft Office 365 Business Email $59.88 value (Renews at $59.88 after 1 year!)
🔗 URL del piano : https://www.godaddy.com/en-uk/hosting/business-hosting-plans
$44,99/ Mo.
($ 69,99 dopo primo termine) IVA escl
350 GBunmetered 16 GB / 0
Expand caratteristiche💳 Modalità di pagamento : Carte di credito / debito / prepagate, PayPal, AliPay, Bonifico bancario, Skrill (Moneybookers), Cash Cards (CCAvenue), AstroPay Card, Controlla i pagamenti, Money Order
🔨 Pannello di controllo : CPanel
🔧 Categoria : DNS
✍️ Opzioni di supporto : E-mail, Help Desk, Telefono / Numero verde, Forum, Chat dal vivo, Disponibile 24 ore su 24, 7 giorni su 7
Altre caratteristiche : Premium DNS, 1-year SSL certificate
🔋 RAM : 32000 MB
💪 Processore : 16 CPU
🔌 Domini ospitati : Illimitato
🆓 Domini gratuiti : 0
📌 IP dedicati : 0

screenshot di Expand a partire dal godaddy.comFor photography or resource-heavy sites.

Standard SSL Certificate

Free for the first year with each plan Microsoft Office 365 Business Email $59.88 value (Renews at $59.88 after 1 year!)
🔗 URL del piano : https://www.godaddy.com/en-uk/hosting/business-hosting-plans
$59,99/ Mo.
($ 99,99 dopo primo termine) IVA escl
400 GBunmetered 32 GB / 0
🔧 Domini Mantieni il mouse
sulle funzionalità!
💰Prezzo 📆 Aggiornato
.com caratteristiche💳 Modalità di pagamento : Carte di credito / debito / prepagate, PayPal, AliPay, Bonifico bancario, Skrill (Moneybookers), Cash Cards (CCAvenue), AstroPay Card, Controlla i pagamenti, Money Order
✍️ Opzioni di supporto : E-mail, Help Desk, Telefono / Numero verde, Forum, Chat dal vivo, Disponibile 24 ore su 24, 7 giorni su 7

screenshot di .com a partire dal godaddy.comA .com domain:

Gives you credibility in the online world. It’s the go-to for anyone looking to establish themselves
on the web.

Can be purchased by anyone. Although initially intended for businesses, there are no restrictions
on who [...]
🔗 URL del piano : https://www.godaddy.com/en-uk/tlds/com-domain
$12,17/ Anno.
($ 19,17 dopo 12 mo.) IVA escl
🔧 Certificati SSL Mantieni il mouse
sulle funzionalità!
💰Prezzo 📆 Aggiornato🔐 Domini protetti
Protect one website caratteristiche💳 Modalità di pagamento : Carte di credito / debito / prepagate, PayPal, AliPay, Bonifico bancario, Skrill (Moneybookers), Cash Cards (CCAvenue), AstroPay Card, Controlla i pagamenti, Money Order
✍️ Opzioni di supporto : E-mail, Help Desk, Telefono / Numero verde, Forum, Chat dal vivo, Disponibile 24 ore su 24, 7 giorni su 7
🔐 Domini protetti : 1

screenshot di Protect one website a partire dal godaddy.comOn sale - Save 20%
Secures one website
EV SSL turns browser bar green
Strong SHA2 & 2048-bit encryption
Available in DV, OV and EV SSL Certificates
Boosts your site’s Google ranking

An SSL certificate creates a secure tunnel through which [...]
🔗 URL del piano : https://www.godaddy.com/web-security/ssl-certificate
$63,99/ Anno.
($ 94,99 dopo primo termine) IVA escl
Managed DV SSL Service caratteristiche💳 Modalità di pagamento : Carte di credito / debito / prepagate, PayPal, AliPay, Bonifico bancario, Skrill (Moneybookers), Cash Cards (CCAvenue), AstroPay Card, Controlla i pagamenti, Money Order
🔨 Pannello di controllo : CPanel, Plesk, CentOS Web Panel, WHM
🔧 Categoria : Autogestito
✍️ Opzioni di supporto : E-mail, Help Desk, Telefono / Numero verde, Forum, Chat dal vivo, Disponibile 24 ore su 24, 7 giorni su 7
🔐 Domini protetti : 1

screenshot di Managed DV SSL Service a partire dal godaddy.comSecures one website.
Automated installation and ongoing maintenance.
Supports only WordPress and Web Hosting on GoDaddy hosting platforms. (Excludes self-managed servers and non-GoDaddy hosting.)
🔗 URL del piano : https://www.godaddy.com/web-security/easy-ssl-service
$149,99/ Anno.
($ 199,99 dopo primo termine) IVA escl
Protect multiple websites UCC/SAN SSL caratteristiche💳 Modalità di pagamento : Carte di credito / debito / prepagate, PayPal, AliPay, Bonifico bancario, Skrill (Moneybookers), Cash Cards (CCAvenue), AstroPay Card, Controlla i pagamenti, Money Order
✍️ Opzioni di supporto : E-mail, Help Desk, Telefono / Numero verde, Forum, Chat dal vivo, Disponibile 24 ore su 24, 7 giorni su 7
🔐 Domini protetti : Illimitato

screenshot di Protect multiple websites UCC/SAN SSL a partire dal godaddy.comOn sale - Save 20%
The little green lock
The green lock in the browser bar and the "s" in https mean a site is secure in every language. Have both on your site to show your visitors you care that their data is safe.

Protect sensitive [...]
🔗 URL del piano : https://www.godaddy.com/en-uk/web-security/ssl-certificate
$159,99/ Anno.
($ 249,99 dopo primo termine) IVA escl
tutti i sottodomini
Managed SAN SSL Service caratteristiche💳 Modalità di pagamento : Carte di credito / debito / prepagate, PayPal, AliPay, Bonifico bancario, Skrill (Moneybookers), Cash Cards (CCAvenue), AstroPay Card, Controlla i pagamenti, Money Order
🔨 Pannello di controllo : CPanel, Plesk, CentOS Web Panel, WHM
🔧 Categoria : Autogestito
✍️ Opzioni di supporto : E-mail, Help Desk, Telefono / Numero verde, Forum, Chat dal vivo, Disponibile 24 ore su 24, 7 giorni su 7
🔐 Domini protetti : 1

screenshot di Managed SAN SSL Service a partire dal godaddy.comSecures five websites
Automated installation and ongoing maintenance.
Supports only WordPress and Web Hosting on GoDaddy hosting platforms. (Excludes self-managed servers and non-GoDaddy hosting.)
🔗 URL del piano : https://www.godaddy.com/en-uk/web-security/easy-ssl-service
$239,99/ Anno.
($ 299,99 dopo primo termine) IVA escl
Protect all subdomains Wildcard SSL caratteristiche💳 Modalità di pagamento : Carte di credito / debito / prepagate, PayPal, AliPay, Bonifico bancario, Skrill (Moneybookers), Cash Cards (CCAvenue), AstroPay Card, Controlla i pagamenti, Money Order
✍️ Opzioni di supporto : E-mail, Help Desk, Telefono / Numero verde, Forum, Chat dal vivo, Disponibile 24 ore su 24, 7 giorni su 7
🔐 Domini protetti : Illimitato

screenshot di Protect all subdomains Wildcard SSL a partire dal godaddy.com
🔗 URL del piano : https://www.godaddy.com/en-uk/web-security/ssl-certificate
$295,99/ Anno.
($ 449,99 dopo primo termine) IVA escl
tutti i sottodomini
Managed Wildcard SSL Service caratteristiche💳 Modalità di pagamento : Carte di credito / debito / prepagate, PayPal, AliPay, Bonifico bancario, Skrill (Moneybookers), Cash Cards (CCAvenue), AstroPay Card, Controlla i pagamenti, Money Order
🔨 Pannello di controllo : CPanel, Plesk, CentOS Web Panel, WHM
🔧 Categoria : Autogestito
✍️ Opzioni di supporto : E-mail, Help Desk, Telefono / Numero verde, Forum, Chat dal vivo, Disponibile 24 ore su 24, 7 giorni su 7
🔐 Domini protetti : Illimitato

screenshot di Managed Wildcard SSL Service a partire dal godaddy.comSecures one website and up to 10 subdomains.
Automated installation and ongoing maintenance.
Supports only WordPress and Web Hosting on GoDaddy hosting platforms. (Excludes self-managed servers and non-GoDaddy hosting.)
🔗 URL del piano : https://www.godaddy.com/en-uk/web-security/easy-ssl-service
$399,99/ Anno.
($ 499,99 dopo primo termine) IVA escl
tutti i sottodomini
🔧 Costruttore di siti Web Mantieni il mouse
sulle funzionalità!
💰Prezzo💿 Spazio sul disco 📶 Trasferimento 📆 Aggiornato🆓 Dominio gratuito /
🔌 Permesso
Basic caratteristiche💳 Modalità di pagamento : Carte di credito / debito / prepagate, PayPal, AliPay, Bonifico bancario, Skrill (Moneybookers), Cash Cards (CCAvenue), AstroPay Card, Controlla i pagamenti, Money Order
🔧 Categoria : Autogestito
✍️ Opzioni di supporto : E-mail, Help Desk, Telefono / Numero verde, Forum, Chat dal vivo, Disponibile 24 ore su 24, 7 giorni su 7
🆓 Domini gratuiti : 0
📌 IP dedicati : 0

screenshot di Basic a partire dal godaddy.comSecure your website (SSL)
Connect custom domain
Mobile-friendly site
Social media listing platforms 1
Social posts & responses/month 5
Email marketing sends/month 100
On-the-go editing
24/7 support
PayPal button
GoDaddy InSight™
Tailored action [...]
🔗 URL del piano : https://uk.godaddy.com/websites/website-builder/plans-and-pricing
$6,99/ Mo.
($ 9,99 dopo primo termine) IVA escl
illimitatounmetered 0
Standard caratteristiche💳 Modalità di pagamento : Carte di credito / debito / prepagate, PayPal, AliPay, Bonifico bancario, Skrill (Moneybookers), Cash Cards (CCAvenue), AstroPay Card, Controlla i pagamenti, Money Order
🔧 Categoria : Autogestito
✍️ Opzioni di supporto : E-mail, Help Desk, Telefono / Numero verde, Forum, Chat dal vivo, Disponibile 24 ore su 24, 7 giorni su 7
🆓 Domini gratuiti : 0
📌 IP dedicati : 0

screenshot di Standard a partire dal godaddy.comSecure your website (SSL)
Connect custom domain
Mobile-friendly site
Social media listing platforms 3
Social posts & responses/month 20
Email marketing sends/month 500
On-the-go editing
24/7 support
PayPal button
GoDaddy InSight™
Tailored [...]
🔗 URL del piano : https://uk.godaddy.com/websites/website-builder/plans-and-pricing
$10,49/ Mo.
($ 14,99 dopo primo termine) IVA escl
illimitatounmetered 0
Premium caratteristiche💳 Modalità di pagamento : Carte di credito / debito / prepagate, PayPal, AliPay, Bonifico bancario, Skrill (Moneybookers), Cash Cards (CCAvenue), AstroPay Card, Controlla i pagamenti, Money Order
🔧 Categoria : Autogestito
✍️ Opzioni di supporto : E-mail, Help Desk, Telefono / Numero verde, Forum, Chat dal vivo, Disponibile 24 ore su 24, 7 giorni su 7
🆓 Domini gratuiti : 0
📌 IP dedicati : 0

screenshot di Premium a partire dal godaddy.comSecure your website (SSL)
Connect custom domain
Mobile-friendly site
Social media listing platforms Unlimited
Social posts & responses/month Unlimited
Email marketing sends/month 25,000
On-the-go editing
24/7 support
PayPal button
GoDaddy [...]
🔗 URL del piano : https://uk.godaddy.com/websites/website-builder/plans-and-pricing
$13,99/ Mo.
($ 19,99 dopo primo termine) IVA escl
illimitatounmetered 0
Ecommerce caratteristiche💳 Modalità di pagamento : Carte di credito / debito / prepagate, PayPal, AliPay, Bonifico bancario, Skrill (Moneybookers), Cash Cards (CCAvenue), AstroPay Card, Controlla i pagamenti, Money Order
🔧 Categoria : Autogestito
✍️ Opzioni di supporto : E-mail, Help Desk, Telefono / Numero verde, Forum, Chat dal vivo, Disponibile 24 ore su 24, 7 giorni su 7
🆓 Domini gratuiti : 0
📌 IP dedicati : 0

screenshot di Ecommerce a partire dal godaddy.com
🔗 URL del piano : https://uk.godaddy.com/websites/website-builder/plans-and-pricing
$14,99/ Mo.
($ 24,99 dopo primo termine) IVA escl
illimitatounmetered 0
🔧 Web design Mantieni il mouse
sulle funzionalità!
💰Prezzo 📆 Aggiornato
Premium caratteristiche💳 Modalità di pagamento : Carte di credito / debito / prepagate, PayPal, AliPay, Bonifico bancario, Skrill (Moneybookers), Cash Cards (CCAvenue), AstroPay Card, Controlla i pagamenti, Money Order
🔧 Categoria : DNS
✍️ Opzioni di supporto : E-mail, Help Desk, Telefono / Numero verde, Forum, Chat dal vivo, Disponibile 24 ore su 24, 7 giorni su 7

screenshot di Premium a partire dal godaddy.comGreat for businesses that want advanced features
Advanced website built on WordPress
Includes customer login, reservations, event calendars, real estate listings and more
Includes up to 10 pages

All plans include:

Free domain — 1st year
Free [...]
🔗 URL del piano : https://uk.godaddy.com/websites/web-design
su richiesta
Standard caratteristiche💳 Modalità di pagamento : Carte di credito / debito / prepagate, PayPal, AliPay, Bonifico bancario, Skrill (Moneybookers), Cash Cards (CCAvenue), AstroPay Card, Controlla i pagamenti, Money Order
🔧 Categoria : DNS
✍️ Opzioni di supporto : E-mail, Help Desk, Telefono / Numero verde, Forum, Chat dal vivo, Disponibile 24 ore su 24, 7 giorni su 7

screenshot di Standard a partire dal godaddy.comPerfect for creating an attractive basic business website
Advanced website built on WordPress
Includes up to 4 pages

All plans include:

Free domain — 1st year
Free Office 365 email — 1st year
Updates for a low hourly rate (or you can maintain it [...]
🔗 URL del piano : https://uk.godaddy.com/websites/web-design
su richiesta
🔧 Messaggi di posta elettronica - 💻 Linux Mantieni il mouse
sulle funzionalità!
💰Prezzo 📆 Aggiornato
Email Essentials caratteristiche💳 Modalità di pagamento : Carte di credito / debito / prepagate, PayPal, AliPay, Bonifico bancario, Skrill (Moneybookers), Cash Cards (CCAvenue), AstroPay Card, Controlla i pagamenti, Money Order
🔧 Categoria : DNS
✍️ Opzioni di supporto : E-mail, Help Desk, Telefono / Numero verde, Forum, Chat dal vivo, Disponibile 24 ore su 24, 7 giorni su 7

screenshot di Email Essentials a partire dal godaddy.comProfessional email that matches your domain
5 GB email storage

As low as $1.99 per user/mo
On sale - Save 60%
$4.99 per user/mo when you renew

Domain-based email (i.e. [email protected])
Sync across all devices
Shared online calendars
Up [...]
🔗 URL del piano : https://www.godaddy.com/en-uk/email/professional-business-email
$3,66/ Mo.
($ 5,99 dopo primo termine) IVA escl
10 GBunmetered
Email Plus caratteristiche💳 Modalità di pagamento : Carte di credito / debito / prepagate, PayPal, AliPay, Bonifico bancario, Skrill (Moneybookers), Cash Cards (CCAvenue), AstroPay Card, Controlla i pagamenti, Money Order
🔧 Categoria : DNS
✍️ Opzioni di supporto : E-mail, Help Desk, Telefono / Numero verde, Forum, Chat dal vivo, Disponibile 24 ore su 24, 7 giorni su 7

screenshot di Email Plus a partire dal godaddy.comProfessional email that matches your domain
50 GB email storage

As low as $1.99 per user/mo
On sale - Save 60%
$4.99 per user/mo when you renew

Domain-based email (i.e. [email protected])
Sync across all devices
Shared online [...]
🔗 URL del piano : https://www.godaddy.com/en-uk/email/professional-business-email
$4,92/ Mo.
($ 6,99 dopo primo termine) IVA escl
50 GBunmetered

Le informazioni di contatto sono gestite da godaddy.com rappresentanti affiliates@g..., press@g..., webmaster@g..., admin@g..., support@g..., contact@g..., info@g... [accesso]
Rivendica questa attività

📊 Statistiche Web

Mira: (43) Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgio, Brasile, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Danimarca, Francia
📂 Dettagli per https://www.godaddy.com/en-uk
📥 DNS del sito Web: a8-67.akam.net => ( Singapore ) / Akamai International B.V. - akamai.com
a1-245.akam.net => ( Denver ) / Akamai International BV - akamai.com
a9-67.akam.net => ( Tokyo ) / Akamai Technologies Inc. - akamai.com
cns2.godaddy.com => ( Scottsdale ) / GoDaddy.com LLC
a20-65.akam.net => ( Chicago ) / Akamai Technologies Inc. - akamai.com
cns1.godaddy.com => ( Scottsdale ) / GoDaddy.com LLC
a6-66.akam.net => ( Washington ) / Akamai Technologies Inc. - akamai.com
a11-64.akam.net => ( Hyderabad ) / Akamai Technologies Inc. - akamai.com
MX::godaddy-com.mail.protection.outlook.com => ( Des Moines ) / Microsoft Corporation - microsoft.com
🔨 Software server: envoy
📌 IP del sito Web:
📍 Localizzazione IP: United States, Arizona, Scottsdale - vedere i migliori fornitori in United States, Arizona
🔗 Nome ISP / URL ISP: GoDaddy.com LLC, godaddy.com

Testimonianze✅ Testimonianze dei clienti

Non ci sono testimonianze scritte nella lingua it Lingue disponibili : en: 7
Puoi invia direttamente la tua testimonianza qui.

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📋 Go Daddy Notizie / Comunicati stampa

Non ci sono notizie scritte nella lingua it Lingue disponibili : en: 342

📣 Go Daddy Social networks

GoDaddy (stabilito 1997) è un Privately Held entità avendo 22385 follower su LinkedIn e 1001-5000 dipendenti, industria Internet.
Go Daddy Blog  (RSS error new) Blog aggiunto su maggio, 2016, con il totale 2966 articoli, Linguaggio en-US. Ultimo post su

📈 Tendenza dei domini

Go Daddy Domain trend

Recensioni👪 Go Daddy Valutazioni dei clienti

Le statistiche rapide di Go Daddy profilo mostra una nota media di 3,2 su 10, conteggio 81 opinioni. (pochi elencati nella parte superiore della pagina)
Come visitatore puoi valuta questo fornitore direttamente qui! Se fai parte del team di supporto, puoi rispondere a queste recensioni andando a accesso

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Informazioni richieste

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Valutazione complessiva
Tempo ospitato
Prezzo / Costo
Relazione con il cliente
Pannello di controllo
Il tuo URL sociale, nome o nome utenteeg. https://twitter.com/YOURID or https://facebook.com/YOURID
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o accesso e torna a questa pagina
Identificazione del cliente(Non visibile al pubblico. Esempio Customer=1120 or Account=2121 or Order ID=511AAS3)
Il tuo dominio ospitatoEsempio mysite.net. Se hai più domini, menziona almeno uno
Riepilogo del tuo posteg. godaddy.com is best!
Il tuo commento I tag HTML NON sono ammessi! MINIMO 100 caratteri!
Fornisci quante più informazioni possibili nella tua recensione! Troppe meno informazioni possono essere considerate non rilevanti e non approvate!
Alcuni clienti potrebbero dire cose buone come: "sono contento di GoDaddy" o cose cattive e lamentele come: "questa azienda fa schifo", oppure "è orribile", "godaddy.com ha generato solo problemi", "truffatore o provider di truffa", ma ora tocca a te condividere la tua esperienza!
Quant'è 4 + 3 ? Rispondi con 7
(10 = 12,35%)
(5 = 6,17%)
(7 = 8,64%)
(11 = 13,58%)
(48 = 59,26%)
Filtra per lingua: MOSTRA TUTTO(81)   EN(78)   IT(2)   DE(1)
Filtro lingua applicato per le recensioni scritte in IT
-anonimo- (asecondme11@g...) / errandswed.com
⏳ Tempo ospitato: meno di 1 mese
Valutazione globale
😠 BEWARE!!!!!!! False advertisement everything from the website to the domain name is a LIE!!!!!!! they will get you in and screw you. My website that they advertised as being free I paid for, which was like a 3 day trial period. I never had a chance to publish my website or market it within the the 3 days for whatever glitch they had in the system after charging my debit card. I called and spoke to 3 representatives and being left on hold for hours. One rep. told me he would publish my website and it would be up and running in 2 hours that never happen. I called the next day and it still was not published. I spoke with a Rohan B. who is the most insensitive representative on earth who was not helpful at all. I asked to be refunded and was told to cancel my product after not being able to use the product. Yes!!!!! no consideration for hours being on hold but mainly my website not being published. STAY AWAY FROM GOdaddy.com find someone else to publish your website. I got no HELP they [leggi di più...]

VeryMadUser (-nascosto-) / stmarkrichmond.org
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
Valutazione globale
Relazione con il cliente
Pannello di controllo
😠 Run!! Find another Hosting company
All I have had is problems with GoDaddy. They recently deleted 7 days worth of transactions on my database and refuse to tell me what happened. I was on the phone last night for 2 1/2 hours to be transferred to a supervisor and then they hung up on me. I have wasted the last 3 full days of my life trying to piece back together everything that they lost and I am still working on it. At every turn, I keep finding more things they screwed up. They even redirected some of the buttons on my website. Why they did not restore from my latest backup (which is daily) after they blew everything away, is beyond me. Talk about an ignorant company. They used to be good back like 5 years ago, and it has been downhill every since.
-anonimo- (sn0376593@g...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: 3-6 mesi
Valutazione globale
😃 My team and I are engaged in design, on the market for more than 5 years, recently switched to this hosting, at the price of the most! But the support works very strangely, please fix it
-anonimo- (-nessuna email-)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: 6 mesi a 1 anno
Valutazione globale
😃 I have been with Godaddy hosting for about a year now and so far it has been good. I have had no issues and the service has been good. My website has not gone down often and has good uptime and average load time.

I do not like some of the methods of customer support. Some agents are really kind and helpful and some are the opposite!! I will see how this year goes and hope performance stays good.
-anonimo- (ngocchienvo@g...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: meno di 1 mese
Valutazione globale
Relazione con il cliente
Pannello di controllo
😃 have to try
Nice service but your support is not good too. Keep going!

If you can improve your support, The assistance is simply AWESOME: while other companies not even responded, Godady is alamost as fast as a chat and quickly resolves

Recommend this provider for try.
-anonimo- (denisha.makadiya29@g...) / jkcoupons.com
⏳ Tempo ospitato: 1 a 2 anni
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😃 Godaddy.com is Good for Shared Hosting
I am really satisfy with godaddy. Technical support is very good. I would suggest godaddy for shared hosting. I have never used VPS or dedicated services.
-anonimo- (-nessuna email-)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😠 More like GoAway !
Been with GoDaddy for over 10 years with several accounts and services. Started moving everything out. In all fairness, never had problems with domains and e-mail, but hosting is a different story. Never mind the crappy dashboard and marketing harassement, you just need to host your websites there if you are interested in discovering your own limits. Their customer support, with up to three escalation levels, with push buttons you didn't even know existed in you.

Kyle (kgilrain@h...) / bearbash.com
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😠 Hands Down Worst Hosting and Service
I have been with GoDaddy for several years and they continue to get worse. Every so often the sites I host with them (9 in total now) go down for no reason. Their tech support is not the least bit helpful and will treat you to a barrage of excuses and hours of big band music while you wait on hold. At least they recently enabled it so you can wait without the loop of big band music. Most recently, my sites were all down for over 12 hours (and still counting) and the excuses range from old server, to heavy loads on their server causing all 9 sites to crash for over 12 hours. They then told me that since I use WordPress, WordPress should only be hosted on Linux. When I pointed out this was untrue I was put on hold while another excuse was thought of. Over two hours at a clip of holding for "tests" and excuses. You would have to be a moron to stick with this company.
Digital San Diego (digitalsandiego@g...) / digitalsaniego.com
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😠 GoDaddy shoould be GONEdaddy - BAD!!!!
I have been a GoDaddy user for several years. I signed up for their online web storage and their support was almost nonexistent. I emailed them to cancel the service and they sent back a set of instructions that I had to do myself to cancel the service. BUT when I signed up for the online storage all I did was call them, but when I wanted to stop it they make me work for them! I followed the instructions and a few days later I tried going onto my web site and all I got was the ‘parked domain’ display screen from GoDaddy. I emailed them and they said there was no web site online because I had cancelled my hosting services with them. BTW – I am fully paid with them for all my hosting services through the end of 2013 so why would anyone at GoDaddy think I would want to cancel all my services when I had just emailed them to cancel only their useless Online storage!!?? They have no direct phone support and their email support has been just a series of scripted ‘canned’ responses almost [leggi di più...]
John (john@n...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: 2-3 anni
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😉 OK but could be much better.
The service is decent overall, little downtime and quick to answer and fix things.

There are quite a few small things that can make or break fantastic ratings and keep customers.

- You can only have 1 domain hosted on the economy plan, most free hosting providers give you more than that.
- Their own control panel is bulky, clunky and an all around mess to find anything. Just when you think you know where stuff is, they go and change it and more stuff around. Most hosts will offer cPanel.
- The servers are decent. Sometimes there are some heavy loads that make your site crawl or not even display.

I ended up cancelling the remainder of my hosting, took the refund and started a Hostgator account for very close to the same price. Couldnt be happier. I can have multiple domains, cPanel and faster, consistent servers.

I can do much more with my HG hosting than GD would allow and FTP is nice and fast. The very least GD can do is provide all hosting plans with cPanel...you [leggi di più...]
willer (admin@g...) / 4d88.com
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😠 godaddy devil and angel
I owning 4 4gh account with godaddy running on a traffic sparking website.
The economy is worse, I always get the error page stated capacity reached it limit. Then I purchase two unlimited 4g, running smooth for plain html but sometimes it jam on php, worldpress/joomla facing extremely slow. recently I purchase again another deluxe 4gh at the first couple of weeks, it is running smooth, but it getting worse n worse especially when we do PHP socket to external party like facebook. If Ur running unpopular webse then go for it. Think twice if Ur choosing your first hosting. I just cant run away because my system is dotted on their hosting...suxk
M. alim (webmaster@d...) / diolt.com
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 Godaddy is best hosting company
I am godaddy customer since 2008 and i certify that godaddy is best hosting company than other which provides best customers support and price are cheap than other provider.

Godaddy always helps me in my critical time and always respond me positive.

Thanks to Bobs Parson and Godaddy
Eric (svsarana@y...) / mazatlanmarinecenter.com
⏳ Tempo ospitato: 6 mesi a 1 anno
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😞 godaddy.com full of bad surprises
I spent about 5 days dealing with an issue related to the Server API abruptly stopping my PHP scripts. They had no clue and blamed it on my code (which runs fine on other servers). After a lot of arguing they finally admitted that they automatically kill scripts that run for an undisclosed amount of time on their shared servers to save resources. It seems most of their tech people are unaware of that or are not openly disclosing that policy.

They also have very old libraries which they refuse to update or even provide an update schedule. For example their cURL library is 7.15.5 which dates back to Aug 2006! And it won't work for me. They refuse to upgrade it.

I have easily wasted 2 weeks of programming trying to find ways to make things work on their servers. And probably another week just dealing with their poorly informed tech support people.

I personally think their shared servers are overloaded. When they have a serious technical problem they refuse to discuss [leggi di più...]
Dennis Spanogle (dspanogle@a...) / mysciencefair.net
⏳ Tempo ospitato: 3-6 mesi
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😠 Support: They will not help you locate, find or setup the default php5.ini file. They need to do that because their php.ini is unique in many places - i.e SMTP. If you do not know how to find their file and copy it you are out of luck. Found answer in Forum - finally.
PHP website comments: The php mail() function will not send eMails if the domain in the 'from' email address is aol.com, yahoo.com, gmail.com .. and some others. This is probably to prevent spam. If you use php and mail() for forms EMail, DO NOT use GoDaddy Windows Economy Plan. It will NOT work for you.
Brian (earlw@o...) / nyny2020.com
⏳ Tempo ospitato: 1 a 2 anni
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😠 I have been totally frozen out of my account by GoDaddy "support". Until Sunday what I used GoDaddy for (email, odd update of my site) worked fine no real issues. A number of my domain names have just come up for renewal and I challenged the inclusion of the privacy surcharge and how difficult it is to avoid ie because "they" dont give refunds on any unused amount of the yearly fee of course you are going to leave it till the last minute to remove it. Although the privacy is initially set up by GoDaddy you have to deal with "another" party. BUT when you log into this "other party" you have to use the password you used on your GoDaddy account - so GoDaddy (at best) do control this other party or (at worst) are sharing your account passwords with a 3rd party!!! Since I challenged this my email service has not worked. I raised a ticket and got my email back yesterday - the "support people" couldnt see any issues. Today it is even worse I can not only not get into my email account but [leggi di più...]
shiv (narayan.shiv288@g...) / jugadengg.co.in
⏳ Tempo ospitato: 1-3 mesi
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😃 as such i feel i've got cheapest of web hosting just for 93 INR per month,and my site is running well. i don't know much about their support. but i m satisfied with the kind of service i m receiving. only thing i hate about godaddy is they save credit card details. i m frightened of my credit card security.
-anonimo- (-nessuna email-)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: meno di 1 mese
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😠 Support is like hell, they know little about what they are dealing with "hosting". I really made a big mistake. Keep away from giant dormant.
naeem (nthaver00@g...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: 1-3 mesi
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😠 this is the worst hosting service i have ever seen. I transferred to godaddy because my previous host went down maybe twice a year. i was told godaddy has 99% up time... BULLCRAP!!! within 1 mnth, we have been down 3 times already!!!!these guys are horrible...DO NOT USE THEM!!
SM Chavoya (-nessuna email-) / thelastchapel.org
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😠 Godaddy is the worst service I’ve ever seen. FREE SERVICES HAVE BETTER SUPPORT! I canceled my website service and it didn’t even ask for a confirmation, they just went in and deleted everything. When I called in to ask them WTF they said it’d cost 150$ to restore, they’re f**king scam artists and if you’re stupid enough to purchase their services you deserve to be taken for every dollar you have.

I’ve been a loyal godaddy customer for three years and at the drop of a hat they basically told me to go f**k myself.

They’ll hold your website hostage if they happen to get hacked or you accidentally do something you’re not supposed to on their confusing piece of sh#t website. They won’t even send you an email confirmation when it comes to deleting your entire website, BE WARNED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
michael moore (mxcape21@c...) / techraffle.com
⏳ Tempo ospitato: meno di 1 mese
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😠 I would definitely say GoDaddy web hosting is the worst for many reasons.

First I let me point out that technically Godaddy has the worst technical support, why you ask? because their support is nothing more than a 24/7 answering service, with the most common and technical support assistance being "it's not the server...check your code".
Godaddy Technical Support = 24/7 very un-knowledgeably staffed answering service.
GoDaddy is definitely and simply the worst hosting service.

This isn't just based on one bad experience with them, no matter what the problem, slow page loads -upto a minute to load some pages, scripts that worked and suddenly does not work with out any code changes, FTP errors, website down, cannot load page errors 500 and 403 for ever, the extent of godaddys' tech support for all of these issues and any other problems that you may have is the same response "check your code".

In every category Godaddy proved to be slower, error filled and more problematic [leggi di più...]
-nascosto- (-nascosto-) / several
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😠 I would personally say that GoDaddy web hosting is easily the worst for a few reasons.

First I should point out that technically, there are many many that are worst, but generic cracker jack no name hosts REALLY don't count.

I'm an experienced web designer that has thoroughly used and tested many of the mainstream hosts; GoDaddy, Hostmonster, BlueHost, Host Gator, 1and1 etc. etc... and of the most popular hosts, GoDaddy is purely and simply the worst.

And I didn't just have one bad experience with them and then formulated my entire review of them on that, I've managed dozens of websites hosted on GoDaddy and experienced nearly all the tasks associated with a hosting account; setup domains, emails, SSL, databases, WordPress, uploaded/downloaded files both via the built in file manager and FTP, forwarded domains, changed nameservers, transferred domains, talked to customer service over; chat, phone and email and so on.

On every single account, GoDaddy proved to be flawed, slower, [leggi di più...]
Jim Lines (jimlines1@g...) / invictus-intl.com
⏳ Tempo ospitato: 1-3 mesi
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😠 Godaddy has locked my domain name and email site, and in spite of repeated attempts to provide the information they have requested verifying our identity...they still refuse to unlock the site. I would never use this site for anything again. I have filed a complaint with ICANN, which was a waste of time but short of legal action, which is the route now taken...there didnt seem to be anything else to do.

This company is one of the worst I have ever dealt with.
John-Robert (moseslakewashington@h...) / moseslakesecurity.com
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😞 I used to like Go Daddy until I found out they lied to me twice. I have had their hosting for about 5 years and they are good at sucking money out of people by selling worthless upgrades and poor at achieving any results. I was told I could increase web traffic by adding more domains and bumping up my hosting. They told me they would direct all domain traffic to my primary domain. 5 months later I found out they were stealing my money because they were using all my domains to direct traffic to their own web site. Did they care, NO. Do they lie, YES.
I think now I should build my own server and host my own websites. There is no honest rating of web host to my knowledge so all hosting sites are a gamble.
Mark (mark@g...) / g33kco.com
⏳ Tempo ospitato: 1-3 mesi
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😠 This hosting is a joke. The setup for multiple domains is a night mare. If you're .NET developer, avoid this place at all costs. I setup my own membership and role provider, and go figure, there's basically no way to get it to work, also if you set it up on your main site, then you have to add it to all of the additional domains that you have, because the web.config for the main site overrides all of the sub sites, even if you set allowoverrid=true. The security permission block just about everything, so you can't do anything that requires a trust above the lowest possible setting. The support staff have no clue what they're talking about and shouldn't even be trying to provide support for hosting, and don't even bother trying to get help with code related errors or issues. If you submit a ticket, prepare to wait a few days for any kind of solution, if you ever get one. It'll take 7 or 8 emails back and for to get anywhere, and most of the time you get things that they have copied [leggi di più...]
Sherry (-nessuna email-)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: meno di 1 mese
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😠 I was pleased to purchase my domain name through godaddy.com, however after receiving a sales call about hosting and pricing of what they could offer me - they went ahead and charged my credit card for a 5 year hosting plan which I did not authorize. I had specifically said "do not charge me" because I had to speak to my design guy.
I am highly dissatisfied with what this company had done especially the sales girl who proceeded to follow through with this fraudulent act!
Patrick Bock (patrick.t.bock@g...) / over twenty
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 I have been with godaddy for years. I own 80 domains and have over twenty website hosted with them. Some very complex. Running many scripts,ecommerce and php pages. For the price godaddy can not be beat. I moved form hostway to godaddy. I was paying 49.95 a months with hostway and now pay 6.95 with more features. I have not seen any down grade in speed and I run server and speed tests monthly.
The downside is they don't offer a 800 customer service #. Some times I have waited up to 10 min to speak to someone. I use a site monioring service to check up time. I have only had one of my sites go down for few minutes. Not sure of the exact time. Sites are check every fifiteen minutes.
The biggest problem I have with go daddy is their security, I had an ex employee hack my sites. Godaddy uses your billing info for security. Any one who has access to your credit card or check account # depending on how you have billing set up, can gain access to your account. I solved the problem by [leggi di più...]
Patrick (peebz75@g...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: meno di 1 mese
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😠 My client ordered a domain and hosting account Saturday morning; it's now Monday night and the site is still not live. I called support 3x... this last time, after reaching a human being -- he put me on hold for 20 min, came back and I've been back on hold for another 15 min. I'm still waiting... while I'm writing this.

I'm a web designer and it makes me look terrible with my client. She orders the account, and it's still not live. And there's nothing I can do.

James Burke (webmaster@v...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: 3-6 mesi
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😠 I have been a customer of godaddy.com since June and the site has been down about 80% of the time. I have reported it to godaddy.com support dozens of times, each time they start by accusing me, then they make excuses, then the elevate the issue and then nothing ever happens. I have several websites with another host and they never have down time, godaddy.com is by far the most unreliable webhost I have ever seen. The initial blame tactic is that they give each time is that my home page must be too large, unfortunately for them my home page is very small. In addition I cannot even access the wordpress admin page which completely bypasses all content including my home page therefore that excuse cannot possibly be the problem.. My other sites are large complicated sites, the one at godaddy.com is a small wordpress blog and if they cannot handle it then what can they handle?
tony (-nessuna email-)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😠 godaddy is crazily slow... =( i have been with them for year... initially it was because of the cheap price. but they are really slow.

I am also using their VPS, again... crazily slow. there was a time the Plesk control just blocked and i asked Godaddy support for help. they basic quick response is as usual "there is no problem on the server". and the guy ask me to pay 150USD for assistant. f off...

i m moving away from godaddy for sure... still trying to find a service that is reliable. people said HostGator is good but they dont have Windows Hosting plan ... =(

my recommendation is "stay away from the daddy".
susan woodworth (keeponravin@l...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: 6 mesi a 1 anno
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😁 Reading through these reviews already posted, I have heard a lot of negative about godaddy. Dumbed down? Well I must say I am no techie, but to date "Knock on wood" I have had none of these issues people complain about. Yes, the admin panel can be a bit slow at times, but I never had it time out. I've run dating services, 1 social network, and a reseller account without any issues. Wait, I had one issue; but it was resolved in 24 hours.
If things are too dumbed down for the techies, open your own hosting companies. If I ever do have trouble, I will have learned enough by then to buy and run my own servers. I have heard some nightmare stories as well about godaddy, but who do you believe? Heck, I'll be accused of being a godaddy rep for saying positive things! lol
Believe me, if they screw me, I would be the next in line to complain, this is just an unbiased opinion of my experience SO FAR.
Let's hope it stays good! lol
Connie (conraku2@y...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😠 After years of not really being happy with GoDaddy I decided to go elsewhere. When I first signed up they talked me into the "privacy" thing which I didn't need. Now I call to get a transfer authorization code and they tell me that I have to get rid of the Privacy through their company "Domains By Proxy" but I don't have the special user ID and password necessary to gain access and can't get it because the e-mail address is set up for Domains by Proxy and that is an e-mail address that has not been in use for several years. I changed my e-mail address with godaddy and it was never brought up that I had to also change it with the Domains By Proxy. So now I must mail a form and a copy of my driver's license to them in order to obtain the password and ID. Godaddy employee and supervisor were not helpful. I have had trouble with their customer service before and would tell anyone that if you need webhosting, go elsewhere and stay away from this company. I spent over an hour just on [leggi di più...]
Jenna (crazy4conures@g...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😞 "Go" Daddy is more like *Slow* Daddy!

I can't stand working on client's sites who buy into all the hype surrounding this dreadful, slow as snails host. The only good thing about SlowDaddy is they
they're particularly gifted at marketing their crap services.

First thing: The interface has been so dumbed down for non-technical end-users who think they're "tech-minded" because they can connect Slowdaddy's
"ABC" dots, it's a REAL tech's worst hosting nightmare to wade through.

FTP takes forever, and then when you think you're almost good to go, it times out and you're stuck doing it all again. Irritating! When you've FINALLY
uploaded everything onto slowdaddy via FTP and try to change file names and permissions, etc, slowdaddy reports back with a "you do not have permission to
do that" error message. So, after you've had about as much as you can take of that, you go to slowdaddy's elementary filemanager to make your changes there -
only to have it time out, too, or [leggi di più...]
Dean Pham (deankjm@y...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: meno di 1 mese
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😠 It's so unethical that Go Daddy join the domain cyber squatter, they bought lots of domain names and list them for resale at high prices. I was about to host with them but found out the domain name that I wanted is being squatted the godaddy , so how would they expect me too host with them. Very bad customer relation.
Dan Harvell (circuitswell@y...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: 6 mesi a 1 anno
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😠 I am a musician and a photographer. Music files and photographs can take up a lot of space. This is why I went with GoDaddy's hosting plan that not offers the space I needed, but also the bandwidth.

On the rare occasion that I would run into a snag, the GoDaddy support team was able to answer my questions with speed and accuracy. That is, until the day I called with a real PROBLEM.

Wishing to offer my new CD as various quality digital downloads, I uploaded a 113MB ZIP file, containing 13 tracks encoded at 256kbps/stereo. The upload to my server seemed to go off without a hitch, as I was able to unarchive the file into a directory on the server, itself (proving that the file was intact and functional). I wrote the PHP script that would initiate the file download and tested it on my test server (a LAMP server, much like the ones that GoDaddy use). On my test server, the script and the download performed, perfectly. Happy with the script, I uploaded script and target file [leggi di più...]
Iris Allen (irismallen@h...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: 2-3 anni
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😉 I decided to let my host site expire. My options were set to "Manual Renew". i received an email saying that I was on "manual renew" and that my site would expire unless I took action. Then they still billed by credit card anyway and I had to phone them to get it reversed. I resent that.
lfpth (thowatt@g...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: 2-3 anni
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😠 The user interface is the absolute worst I've seen in ten years of web development. There must be an evil plan hidden in the tortuous navigation, they could not be this inept. Don't call for help, either, the support staff are primarily sales people. Maybe THAT's the reason the interface is deliberately confusing. And GoDaddy is like Walmart - the teasers are cheap, the other services are not, and if you build a plan that has in it what other hosts include for free, it's not a good deal anymore. And did I say it's like Walmart? Run, don't walk, to another host.
Brian (owner@p...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 I have many client hosting accounts at GoDaddy and they all work fine. I think it's possible that the negative GD reviews are a product of the environment. By that I mean that since GD has a price point that entices a large number of customers with a limited experience level, they are likely to receive complaints when these customers cannot get things to work. I find that if I "speak the language" to the customer support people, I get my issues resolved instantly. The sites I manage for my clients are very complex with extremely large databases. I use all the tools anyone would use; stored procedures, triggers, inline and scalar functions, code behind server calls, concurrency, etc.; and the only problems I have are the ones I create myself out of stupidity. I think GD is great if you know what you are doing. I do wish they could work out a full trust hosting account with a price point above the meduim trust shared accounts and the dedicated hosting accounts so reports could [leggi di più...]
Marisol Pardillo (sol1313@b...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 Godaddy provides excellent web hosting and domain services! They have great prices and for the 7 years that I have had them, my site has never gone down. They offer great free tools like Word Press installation, Shopping Cart Installations and even Forum installations. These are all part of all their packages. Make a web designer's life easy! Even for those starting out, the free tools they have are incredible. The control panel is easy to use and if your get stuck, the service is always incredible. I recommend GoDaddy to all my clients. It's the best service out there!
-anonimo- (dontworryaboutit@h...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 Ive been with godaddy for about 4 years now. They are very helpful when calling with questions, and have 24 hour support. The waiting time for calls isnt very long (2 -10 minutes) I have hosting with them and about 5 domains are all shared which makes it very cost effective. I havent run into anything that the hosting cant handle. I am running php on the hosting server.
Derek Brown (dbrown.ceo@w...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: 6 mesi a 1 anno
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😠 Seriously. #3 on the list? This used to be #1 on my Top 10 WORST list, but has fallen to #2 now that I have experienced 1and1. Regardless, GoDaddy is just plain awful. Terrible control panel, insanely terrible configuration, incredibly terrible customer support. All their money is spent on hoochy girls used to create brand recognition. I don't see how this place is still in business. If you are wanting to do more than plant a domain (and even then I wouldn't give these bozo's control) do NOT trust your business to JokeDaddy.
Jason (720sat@h...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: 1 a 2 anni
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😞 Not funny, worst host ever, i would rate the customer serivce 0 if i could but 1 is the lowest you can go. They spend all their money on marketing and can never help with anything. Our website shut down, and we did not have an explanantion till 3 hours later, all they kept saying is "were gonna send you an email" which took literaly a whole entire day, and they kept sending us copies of their terms and services. After finaly contacting them, we were told to send them an email regarding our agreement. So we sent them an email on friday and could not get our site back up and running till the following tuesday. We were told it would take 24 hrs which in turn took 4 days. They are amazing at not doing there job, they should win an award for that.
Justin Claspill (jclaspill@g...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 I've used GoDaddy for a very long time. Same package, no price increases with package, and they've given me free features along the way. Had a couple hours of downtime over about 5 years of service, and they gave me a free month because of it. Without even calling to say it was down! I had no idea and they informed me of it anyway.

Great customer service... helped me figure out a problem I had when I added a new domain to my shared hosting package. No wait time usually when I call customer service. Very knowledgeable staff helps me without over-doing the up selling.

I've recommended this service since I started, and continue to do so.
Jae Madison (jmadison@s...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😠 This company is horrible. Their hosting service is unstable the site is confusing and the biggest problem is they are outright CROOKS. Their so-called customer service reps must be a bunch of high school drop outs. These people are trained to do nothing but frustrate callers by giving them the run around putting them on hold over and over again ect. You can hear them squealing in the background like a bunch of monkeys. But don't expect them to solve your complaints about their service or billing mistakes. You will probably just end up getting billed a second time when you called about being overcharged in the first place.

How this company has managed to stay in business so long is a mystery. I guess they rely on the old saying " there's a sucker born every minute".
mihad (mihad_m@h...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: 1-3 mesi
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😠 Till today I'm waiting for an answer from them about whats going to happen to my payment of one year when i cancel my hosting account
Faisal (amalasra@y...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😠 I have used this service for some years now and I am sorry for that. Some times my emails are undelivered, the the site has always been slow.
For commercial reason they have made the site so complicated that it needs a good amount of time to steer through the dead slow site to get to the target.
It is definitely not a good place for professional and serious users, especially if the emails remain undelivered without any notification.
Heather (heather@b...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: 1 a 2 anni
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😠 Go daddy is cheap, but it si very very slow. We have had issues with it seemingly randomly crashing our website. They are polite and prompt with their support responses, however they often do not have the answers and you do get passed along to many people before finding out no one knows how to address even the simplest problems.

Overall we are not impressed with them. the speed of delivery is really the deal breaker here. it is not fast enough or reliable enough for a corporate website.
Virtual Assitant (VirtualReay@g...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: 1 a 2 anni
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😃 Tech Support is excellent for GoDaddy.I have called them a few times, and the were very helpful.
Bob (allegremente@y...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: 1 a 2 anni
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😠 Maybe it's good enough site for a personal webpage, but GoDaddy is way too unreliable for business.

A big plus is 24/7 customer phone support. That's is about the only one.

The big negative: the service JUST DOESN'T WORK. My website goes down frequently. An hour later it works. Who knows how many times this happens when I don't notice. E-mails have all sorts of random problems (e-mails sit in outbox and are never sent)

An even bigger disaster is the faxthruemail product that GoDaddy tries to sell you. I printed business cards with this fax number. Now I will need to spend $50 on new ones because it just fails way too often. It is not worth saving a few dollars using GoDaddy for your business if that means losing clients.

For the past day I the fax service has been down and I have no idea how many of my clients have missed faxes, and no idea how many I sent out that didn't arrive.

All customer service will say is that there is a "known issue" and they have no idea when [leggi di più...]
Troll Nest (butchtroll@y...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: 1-3 mesi
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😠 I was using Godaddy.com as a demonstration server for websites, about the time I began my latest project their mysql server was becoming very slow, the day I finished the project their mysql server was inaccessible at peak hours, crashing the site. soon after this even when the mysql server was accessible it would seem they split it between 2 or more servers and data was "getting lost". I am seeking a new host.
Mike (MikeyGann@g...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: 2-3 anni
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😁 They've got very helpful and friendly customer service who often give out discounts when you call. Ive been with them many years now with never a single problem. I think only a very small portion of their customers are disatisfied with their services. I am a web designer, and all my clients use them as well. Easy to learn hosting interface, ive never seen any of my websites go down. Servers always up. Theyve made my life as a web designer a lot more simplistic so I dont have to run my own servers. Lots of discount codes out there for them, and they often are the cheapest registrar out there.

I think a lot of the peoples problems are user error. The only complaint I have is their website is too cluttered and sales oriented. They should be coming out with a new one soon anyways.
Josee Sevigny (-nessuna email-)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: 2-3 anni
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😠 I've been very happy with the price/features ratio for my own personal site. HOWEVER, when I start selling their hosting plans to customer, I'm expecting to get what they advertize simply because I put my name on the line. Unfortunately, I had to wait 5 days after submitting a support ticket to learn that an included feature was no longer available. Not only the hosting plan selling page did not disclose that fact, but even their first line support did not know about it!!! STAY AWAY BECAUSE YOU BUY IS NOT WHAT YOU GET

My biggest pet peeve actually is that they have NO ONLINE SUPPORT. You must either call (no 800 number) or email new requests all the time. There is no online ticket tracking system that you can log into to follow up on your requests... and on their reply, there's no email address to follow-up...

1. No online support , no 800 number.
2. Cumbersome purchase process - way too pushy and discounts are post your purchase.
3. poor features (1×100MB email account) (1 [leggi di più...]
elawcase (elawcase@g...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: 1-3 mesi
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😠 Godaddy domain registrar is not bad but is a little messy with some annoying advertising. Their webhosting is not good however. I tried them out for about one week and gave up because their tech support is not knowledgeable and is not consistent with what they tell you. For example, they told me they have ASPmail but later after signing up they said they don't. Their reply time is very slow and sometimes it takes them two days to get back to you. I couldn't even set up my websites and get them running. And the tech support will not help and say they cannot help you with codes. Lastly, it is kind of funny but their cancellation for hosting button is very clear and next to where you manage your account. So I believe many people try their servers but then end up giving up and cancelling within a month. They also do not offer a free trial period. However, because I was unable to use their hosting and complained a lot, they refunded me back my money which is good.
Tilen (tilenn@y...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: 1-3 mesi
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I've been with godaddy fro about 2 months and my experience isn't good. From such a big company i expected much more.
Biggest downsides =
1. very confusing / difficult control panel
2. poor features (1×100MB email account)
3. too comercialized

When you log into your account, you're still on there main website with all the stuff they are trying to sell you, you'll need time to figure out, where you can access your account features and where they are just trying to sell you crappy features that you don't need or that should already be included.
It takes several clicks to get to the control panel. They only allow you 1 free email account (100MB) then you got to pay for more - forget you already bought the bandwith and your own domain, so you SHOULD be able to use these for unlimited emails (as in all other normal hosts).
If you want to check your website stats you have to log in again, with a different username/password (oh, you have to have a CAPS letter and a [leggi di più...]
Vicki Bohan (vlbmailbox12-info@y...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: 1 a 2 anni
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😠 I have used godaddy for over one year now. I find that godaddy is not user friendly and has very SLOW performance. In fact, many times it never responds no matter how long I wait. The features are very primitive for a website builder.

I have used other website builders, such as yahoo's sitebuilder, and find them to be much more robust and with many more features. And I don't have the performance problems that I experience with godaddy.

I have called into godaddy's tech support hotline several times, and find that the customer service reps have a very limited knowledge of the system. I know more than they do.

I DO NOT RECOMMEND godaddy, especially to novice user unless they have a very simple website.

I am a software engineer with over 30 years experience. My specialty is GUI - the user interface. I find godaddy to be unusable and would not continue using it except that it is cheap, this website is for a member of my family, and I don't have time right now to [leggi di più...]
Lisa Thompson (-nessuna email-)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: 1 a 2 anni
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😁 I've been with Go Daddy for a while and have been really happy with their services. They have made major improvements to their hosting over the last year. I was especially happy that they added the File Manager. I also like that I can easily install applications, like Joomla. I use it on a lot of my sites and it takes no time to get it up and running on my domain.

I think the biggest thing for me has been how much they communicate! I mean any time I change something in my account I get a notice. That really makes me feel safe!

I plan to conitnue referring them to all of my friends and clients. Too bad many others don't feel the same way!
Greg (info@h...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: 6 mesi a 1 anno
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😃 I'm a .Net developer and host all the sites I build with Godaddy. My experience with them has been very good. I think their control panel is great, very well thought out and thorough. The only weakness is that you cannot connect to their SQL Server remotely, but I understand why they do that for security purposes, and anyway their web-based SQL Server management program is pretty damn good. I have also always been able to get them on the phone very quickly and they have been very helpful. I see there are a lot of people here who have had problems with them, but that just hasn't been my experience at all.
Frank Gavin (fsgavin@c...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😞 Yes! I agree with the previous reviewer - GO DADDY SUCKS! For people like me, who want/need to use their "Website Tonight" sw package (I just don't have the time to write out an html document) in order to build a site, GoDaddy charges a hefty price - I have a bill to renew my site - $268 for another year!! - I don't even want to argue with them about this and I just want to change. Their email is awful - not elegant, very slow - they allow a rediculous 5-10MG space per account/ I have noticed sometimes my site goes down so I call them and they reconnect me but then there is always a sales pitch, etc.
I simply do not understand why GoDaddy appears on the top list of any review company!!
David (-nessuna email-)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: 6 mesi a 1 anno
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😠 GoDaddy totally sucks!!! I have 2 websites for over 7-8 moths (Economy plan). I've had many many problems with them! i've had the similar problem like
mark ( mark0(at)dodgeit(dot)com ) when it try to access the site it shows blank page - white :) nothing else :) haha i wrote to them and the answer was "Please send a screenshot of the troubles you're experiencing...", etc. etc. Muahahah total joke! And the final thing was - " It appears that the buzler database is using over 20% of the CPU on the server." and they've stopped my site not even warn me about that! They've disabled my account so i can't even login to download it! 2 days ....still no response... the account is still disabled and they don't even reply to my mails, i spoke by the phone, "godaddy: wait for email".....

Nicholas (nicholas.webads@g...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: 1-3 mesi
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😞 I make the VERY WRONG move in becoming GoDaddy.com reseller.
They OVER PROMISE and UNDER DELIVER - to the hell bottom.

My first my customer hits problem with CF server and the message tells the server
is facing problem as there are multiple / concurrent access.
They told me the problem was with the code - and the page is only running
SIMPLE SELECT SQL. Guess what...the website is not completed and the only
person accessing it is the developer, and that's me!! If one person can cause
multiple access problem, imagine if the website is open to everyone.....say 5 customer.

They keep on blaming my code until I search the internet and found that the problem
actually require hotfix. I send the link to them to put the hotfix and guess what...
They said they will send my request to the suggestion department, they can't give me
the dateline.

So guys and girls, trust me....this is the WORST EVER hosting company I experience with. I suggest all review hosting website STOP [leggi di più...]
Peter M (chinkyowner@h...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: 1 a 2 anni
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😁 This is a very good Domain Host. The price is on average with other websites as well $10/yr for my .com domain. and my .net domain. They have so many features as well and it's a very easy to use interface. The sign-up and checkout part can get annoying though because after every time you press checkout they bombard you with offers that you really don't need or want. Otherwise I give them a nice 9/10 good job GoDaddy!! I saw you bike on American Chopper ;P.
Fern (pixles@c...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😃 GO Daddy does not offer a toll free number.Go Daddy is playing a chameleon game with its clients and I think it is totally deceptive and a ripoff. Go Daddy wanted over $30.00 for 3 .com Domains they were insinuating they had a sale bur it did not include Dot Com names
priced at 9.99 plus fees
I shopped=
Name Registration - 1 Year $7.15 LOONIEEXCHANGE.COM 1 .COM Domain Name Registration - 1 Year $7.15 LOONIEMARKET.COM 1 .COM Domain Name registration - 1 Year $7.15 LOONIEDOLLAR.COM -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Subtotal: $21.45 Shipping & Handling: $0.00 Tax: $0.00 Total: $21.45
THE INVOICE ABOVE IS WHAT I PAID to http://domainrightnow.com
which is a reseller for Go Daddy.What is different is the price and The Logo the operating system remains Go_Daddy ....save your money shop around don't deal with Go-Daddy
direct.I mask domains but I do not rip off anyone and charge more
than a product is worth,I don't charge at [leggi di più...]
Daniel (marcsidnasse@y...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: 1-3 mesi
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😠 Very Very bad performance for webhosting and email server.
Too many email are blocked out and there is no control over the level of spam filtering, so they just block everything that looks like spam !!
The price is very cheap but so is the service!
Giulliano (giulliano@u...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: meno di 1 mese
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😞 Im having a problem with them right now, i paid almost 340 USD for features not only Hosting service, i was going to buy reseller super plan, the problem is two days after i paid i asked refund to buy reseller plan because that was going to be better for me, but the customer suport asked me to Cancel my account to i receive my refund .. and when i did .. they emailed to me saying my refund was not guaranteed and i need to wait for billing department THINK ABOUT DECISION..

Gustaf (abc@d...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: 6 mesi a 1 anno
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😠 It is really sick. I exceeded the monthly traffic limit with some 10GB's, and they charged me and additional $300 (yes, that is THREE HUNDRED), claiming I exceeded my limit by 144 GB, which is in fact half of my monthly consumption. Ridiculous!
leslie henry (lhenry002@c...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😉 i need to download my web site.web is www.voodoospells.com
Joe Frische (joe@y...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: 2-3 anni
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😞 I am getting really tired of their server functions not working and then spending time explaining their problems to them. After I explain, they claim it's not their problem. I have had this happen many times. I have to keep calling until I find a rep that's willing to work past the 'not our problem.'

Right now, I have a virtual dedicated server with an email service (HORDE) that the server comes with that DOESN"T WORK. They say it's not their problem, it's my server. I have spent a day going through the tutorials they provide and documentation on the web and can't figure out why it doesn't work. It seems that they should deliver a functional baseline system when they adverties that they will provide the software for this function. Now they tell me if I don't like it, I can install my own email product.

SaschArt (contact@s...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: meno di 1 mese
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😠 A LOT OF LIMITS in dedicated server. No root access via FTP, I can't change files from my server, limits at smtp up to 1000 emails/day - this limit is not in godaddy agreement - techical support never answer at clients questions, I never seen this, very bed services! We move our sites in other part!
mark (mark0@d...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: 1-3 mesi
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😠 Godaddy's support is a joke.
I hope anyone hosting with them or considering hosting with them doesn't run into any technical problems. Their phone / email support are of the most UN-technical savvy level you could ever run into with a hosting company.

Their typical responses consist of
- "I'm sorry, I was unable to replicate the problem you're experiencing."
- "Your inquiry was forwarded to Advanced Hosting Support, who were unable to replicate the errors you're experiencing.", etc. etc.

The biggest joke of them all...
Me: "My site is loading slow", etc. etc.
Godaddy: "Please send a screenshot of the troubles you're experiencing...", etc. etc.

YOU'VE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME. How the **** do you take a screenshot of a slow loading site!!

For "technical" support, that should say it all.

No to mention, their servers are EXTREMELY overloaded/croweded. Don't be surprised to find numerous timeouts, errors, etc. with your site after you've been hosted a while. It almost [leggi di più...]
Augustus glue (AugustusGlue@w...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: 3-6 mesi
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😞 cheap plan, mediocre , interface pages are a big D-
price to features is a B
support is helpful, I just wish that they wouldn't include all their dumb images and junk in their emails
-anonimo- (-nessuna email-)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: 2-3 anni
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😠 Liars is what they are. Someone, I believe it may be google or microsoft will com along and bowl them out soon.

I know their reseller control center is down and I know my site is down but they lie to me and wait until they fix their problems and then write to me saying something like "we don't see any problem, what's the problem?
Don Austen (truebluesman@h...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😠 I am the founder of an international charity for missing, exploited, runaway, abused and at risk children. Recently we learned that GoDaddy had changed the cgi protocol on its servers, so that our form mail no longer went through. Only they failed to notify us, so that we lost critical emails regarding missing and at-risk children. So I wrote a letter to the office of the president to complain. Rather than apologize, they took down our website without even telling us and eliminated our email accounts. Where before, through an act of omission, they had harmed I don't know how many children, now they have acted deliberatedly to suspend our services. To add insult to injury, they are demanding we pay them $75 to get them to release our domain, thursdayschild.org, which we have owned for 15 years! Add to that the fact that we are paid up with them through March 2007 for web hosting, as well as web stats! As far as I am concerned, their actions are unconscionable.
⏳ Tempo ospitato: meno di 1 mese
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😠 International customers should really avoid them. The support seems to have little notion about non-Roman character codes and of very little help in solving problems related to the issue.

Webmail interface can not properly display Japanese language, no language options are provided as in Horde or Squirrel. Unlimited mail accounts are so cumbersome to set up and manage.

Their refund policy is very disappointing too. Should really make sure if the server supports things you want to do before you buy a long-term plan.

Their control panel is quite different from the standard cpanel; no just different but with less features. They seem to be proud of $$$ worth programs offered within the panel, but most sucks and some don't even function properly.

Set-up can be time-consuming because every time you change something, there's some time lag before the changes take effect.

Well, I was stupid enough to pay for two years in advance, but I hope my bitter experience helps [leggi di più...]
Don Jones (mymanjones@h...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: 1 a 2 anni
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😉 It is so funny. MSN office is doing a Beta site builder thatn cannot begin to do what Godaddy tossed. I have been months trying to replace the old cheap Website Tonight 7. something. They replaced it with a 3.0 and keep adding bells but the one that tossed the old Website Tonight should be tossed too.
Pavel Lyakhovsky (pl@f...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: 6 mesi a 1 anno
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😠 Never host your website there. Very unprofessional and poor support. It can take up to 20 minutes waiting on the phone (and I was calling from Russia). If you send an e-mail to support you do get response within 24 hours but in my case it never resolved the issue because the support staff didn't read the question carefully. Then you reply with a more detailed explanation and again get a junk reply from them because it is now another person who answers and he/she doesn't bother to read your original question. Maybe the support is helpful with easy questions but I am a professional web developer and can solve easy problems myself. I need support for more interesting issues ans it was of no help.

But what made me to cancel everything (hosting, email, domain registrations) at GoDaddy was that they suspended my domain without any prior notice for 'spam abuse' while I have never sent any spam in my life. I am running a big translation agency and we simply don't do such things as [leggi di più...]
heidi pope (heidi@o...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: meno di 1 mese
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😠 my husband and i purchased a website tonight program through go daddy and found that it was not exactly what we needed to build our website to our satisfaction. in addition to that we received merchant services thru go daddy from innovative merchant solutions - BE CAREFUL the hidding charges are huge $59.95 for quick books set up and $37.95/month statement fee - then if you try to terminate your merchant services the cost is $395.00 for early termination. when i went back to go daddy to recoup the money the customer service person (i use that term tounge and cheek) said "sorry if you didn't read the fine print it's not our problem. this was a very expensive lesson learned and one i wanted to share. my suggestion is read everything carefully and if there's any questions call and ask them before you buy.
Jim J (jasljohns@n...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: 1 a 2 anni
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😠 The Dodaddy package looks good on the outside, but does not deliver.

I don't know why Web hosting Top rates GD so highly, but they missed the mark when they included GD in their list, Cheap i sall GD has to offer.

Their FAQ is deficient and their customer notification does not adequately address issues related to some very important issues involved in switching form another host to their service.

The worst aspects of GD's service are their support and the reliability of their site.

So far, their support is 0:6 in addressing the questions I asked and problems I reported, and I have had to resolve each issue on my own.

I have not been with them long enough to reflect on their 99.9% up time pledge, but I have not been able to login to my account manager or Web based interface for the email accounts for hours at a time over the past week. Just today, my account features have been inaccessible for over 5 hours!
Ruben Sanchez (rworld007@s...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: 3-6 mesi
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😞 Poor service....never again
Lynn Markey (lynnmarkey@m...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: 6 mesi a 1 anno
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😠 Unless you're prepared to spend hours and hours and hours in agonizing frustration STAY AWAY from this company! The saying, " you get what you pay for" was never more true than dealing with GoDaddy. They may be cheap but you are just throwing your money away and setting yourself up for endless frustration if you chose this company to host your website. This is especially true if you opt for their so-called "user friendly" Website Tonite. This program is so bad that even this company's own techs can't figure it out. I suppose it works great if you only intend to add a little text to the template but if you try to add photos or use any of the offered features you will find that this program is a bad joke. Don't bother calling tech support as they have no toll-free number and you will be put on hold forever. If you finally do talk to a technician they will give you the same song and dance over and over which is: " we've never had this problem before and we don't know how to fix it [leggi di più...]

🔝 Altre migliori aziende di web hosting a Arizona, Stati Uniti

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    Host Monster
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    Stable Host
    stablehost.com logo
    🏆 Alexa Rating 53425
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    Gear Host
    gearhost.com logo
    🏆 Alexa Rating 315575
    👤 Voto dell'utente 👉 Recensioni totali: 5
    🙌 Voto medio: 3.6 / 10
    👍 Buone recensioni: 1
    👎 Recensioni negative: 4
    👈 Risposte ufficiali: 0

📉 Confronta con i migliori marchi di hosting di Arizona, Stati Uniti

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